
Addon skript-yaml v1.6.1

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I found a bug i think:
            set {_gui} to loop-value
            replace "/home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server36481/" in {_gui} with ""
the plugin only accepts a file if the root folder of the file is "plugins/"
i have to use the above method to make it work

otherwise it will consider the file loaded, but i can't get any contents from it
can you add a syntax that loops all yaml files from a directory?
isnt that already a thing?
Yep it is:
    Load all YAML from directory:
        ID: EffLoadYamlDirectory
            Loads a directory YAML files into memory.
  - The input is a directory (ie. "plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/").
  - If for example a file in that directory is named test.yml then the output ID would be 'plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/test.yml'
  - Using the optional filename ID would output `test.yml`
            #This isn't something you would really want to do, or is it?
            load all yaml from directory "/plugins/skript-yaml/test"
            loop all of the currently loaded yaml files:
                loop yaml nodes "" from loop-value-1:
                    loop yaml nodes loop-value-2 from loop-value-1:
                        broadcast yaml value "%loop-value-2%.%loop-value-3%" from loop-value-1
            [re]load all [y[a]ml] from [(1¦non[(-| )]relative)] director(y|ies) %strings%
            [re]load all [y[a]ml] from [(1¦non[(-| )]relative)] director(y|ies) %strings% using [the] filename as [the] id
loop not load, I can loop only all loaded yaml files, not from a specified directory.
i think he's looking for functionality that e.g. SkUtilities provides where you can simply loop files in given directories
loop all yaml from directory "plugins/game/arenas":
    load yaml "plugins/game/arenas/%loop-value%" as "ARENA.%loop-value%"

but I managed to do that using this

    load all yaml from directory "plugins/game/arenas"
    loop currently loaded yaml files:
        loop-value contains "plugins/game/arenas/"
        set {_value} to loop-value
        unload yaml "plugins/game/arenas/%loop-value%.yml"
        set {_name} to last element of {_value} split at "plugins/game/arenas/"
        replace all ".yml" with "" in {_name}
        load yaml "plugins/game/arenas/%{_name}%" as "ARENA.%{_name}%"
ugg this is supposed to be a yaml plugin not a file manipulation plugin... oh boy...

i suppose an expression that gets a list of `all yaml from directory "plugins/blah"` would be kind of handy though but what would you do with it if it isnt loaded, its kind of useless in my mind