Hello! I'm currently working on a dungeon-crawler type server. One of the items that mages are going to be able to use is called the "Ghost Cloak". The skript for it isn't working so great. Here is what I have:
It works but if you unshift, you still have the speed bonus and even if you take the chestplate off AFTER shifting, you still gain the speed. I've tried everything I can but I can't figure this out. Please help!
(also, if i take a while to respond to you it is probably because i am getting right off after i make this forum post. if you need me to reply with something, check back tomorrow and i may get back to you. sorry in advance. thank you for your patience!)
command /ghostcloak:
permission: op
permission message: "&cYou do not have permission to do that!"
give player unbreakable chainmail chestplate named "&5Ghost Cloak" with lore "&7Health: &a+25 HP" and "&7Defense: &a+15" and "" and "&6Item Ability: Phantom Zone &e&lSHIFT" and "&7When sneaking, gain &f✦ Speed 8" and "&apotion effect&7. Spooky!"
on player toggle sneak:
if name of player's chestplate is "&5Ghost Cloak":
player is sneaking
set player's walk speed to 8
player isn't sneaking
set player's walk speed to 1
if name of player's chestplate isn't "&5Ghost Cloak":
set player's walk speed to 1
It works but if you unshift, you still have the speed bonus and even if you take the chestplate off AFTER shifting, you still gain the speed. I've tried everything I can but I can't figure this out. Please help!
(also, if i take a while to respond to you it is probably because i am getting right off after i make this forum post. if you need me to reply with something, check back tomorrow and i may get back to you. sorry in advance. thank you for your patience!)