Solved Skript | Speed and Jump boost blocks

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Aug 23, 2023
Suggested name: Pads Skript

Spigot/Skript Version: 1.20.1

What I want:

I want a basic skript, where these Speed and Jump Boost blocks can be toggled. The speed block is Magenta Glazed Terracota, and the jump block is Red Glazed Terracota.

If a player steps on the Magenta Glazed Terracota or Red Glazed Terracota when the pads are off, they should recieve no effect. But when the pads are on, I want the speed pads to give the user Speed 1 for 3s, and for the Jump I want it to give Jumpboost 2 for 5 seconds.

Ideas for commands:
/pad toggle (On or off)
/pad status (If its on or off, again if possible.)

Ideas for permissions:
Also, If it possible for a block (Red Glazed Terracota or shroomlight) to give slow falling 1 for 5s, and of course hiding the particles.
And still be toggleable, using /pad toggle.
ok done here :emoji_slight_smile:
command /pad <text> [<player>]:
        if arg-1 is "toggle":
            if {pad.%player's uuid%} is "on":
                set {pad.%player's uuid%} to "off"
                send "&4&lSet Your Pad Status to off" to player
            else if {pad.%player's uuid%} is "off":
                set {pad.%player's uuid%} to "on"
                send "&a&lSet Your Pad Status to on" to player
            else if {pad.%player's uuid%} is not set:
                set {pad.%player's uuid%} to "on"
                send "&a&lSet Your Pad Status to on" to player
        else if arg-1 is "status":
            if {pad.%player's uuid%} is not set:
                send "&4&lError: &c&lYour Pad Mode isnt set as it is %{pad.%player's uuid%}%"
                send "&a&l%{pad.%player's uuid%}%" to player
            send "&4&lError: &c&lThe Arg %arg-1% is not in my database :\"
        if player has permission "pads.admin":
            if arg-2 is set:
                if {pad.%arg-2's uuid%} is "on":
                    set {pad.%arg-2's uuid%} to "off"
                else if {pad.%arg-2's uuid%} is "off":
                    set {pad.%arg-2's uuid%} to "on"

on step on magenta glazed terracotta:
    if {pad.%player's uuid%} is "on":
        apply speed 1 without any particles to player for 3 seconds

on step on red glazed terracotta:
    if {pad.%player's uuid%} is "on":
        apply jump boost 2 without any particles to player for 5 seconds
        apply slow falling 1 without any particles to player for 5 seconds

on step on shroomlight:
    if {pad.%player's uuid%} is "on":
        apply slow falling 1 without any particles to player for 5 seconds

on step on magenta glazed terracotta:
    if {pad.%player's uuid%} is "on":
        apply speed 1 without any particles to player for 3 seconds

on step on red glazed terracotta:
    if {pad.%player's uuid%} is "on":
        apply jump boost 2 without any particles to player for 5 seconds
        apply slow falling 1 without any particles to player for 5 seconds

on step on shroomlight:
    if {pad.%player's uuid%} is "on":
        apply slow falling 1 without any particles to player for 5 seconds
Hey, sorry to bother. If the player repeatedly steps on the block, the effect multiplies.
command /pad <text> [<player>]:
        if arg-1 is "toggle":
            if {pad.%player's uuid%} is "on":
                set {pad.%player's uuid%} to "off"
                send "&4&lSet Your Pad Status to off" to player
            else if {pad.%player's uuid%} is "off":
                set {pad.%player's uuid%} to "on"
                send "&a&lSet Your Pad Status to on" to player
            else if {pad.%player's uuid%} is not set:
                set {pad.%player's uuid%} to "on"
                send "&a&lSet Your Pad Status to on" to player
        else if arg-1 is "status":
            if {pad.%player's uuid%} is not set:
                send "&4&lError: &c&lYour Pad Mode isnt set as it is %{pad.%player's uuid%}%"
                send "&a&l%{pad.%player's uuid%}%" to player
            send "&4&lError: &c&lThe Arg %arg-1% is not in my database :\a"
        if player has permission "pads.admin":
            if arg-2 is set:
                if {pad.%arg-2's uuid%} is "on":
                    set {pad.%arg-2's uuid%} to "off"
                else if {pad.%arg-2's uuid%} is "off":
                    set {pad.%arg-2's uuid%} to "on"

on step on magenta glazed terracotta:
    if {pad.%player's uuid%} is "on":
        apply speed 1 without any particles to player for 3 seconds

on step on red glazed terracotta:
    if {pad.%player's uuid%} is "on":
        apply jump boost 2 without any particles to player for 5 seconds

on step on green glazed terracotta:
    if {pad.%player's uuid%} is "on":
        apply slow falling 1 without any particles to player for 5 seconds