Solved Skript Right Click Addition Request

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Jul 21, 2017
Category: UHC

What I want:
Alright so I currently have a skript called LAFS (Love At First Sight) where when you damage a player, and that player hasn't been damaged by anyone yet, gets put into a team. I would like it so this exact thing happens but with the ability on right clicking on the player. (The /ct part is where it puts the players on the team) I had a attempt on doing this myself but had no luck.

Current Skript:

Ideas for commands: -

Ideas for permissions: -

When I'd like it by: Possibly by the end of this week, but no rush.
right click on player:
    {Teams.InTeam::%player%} and {Teams.InTeam::%entity%} isn't set
    console command "ct %player% %entity%"
Here you go, @PotteryTNT