Suggested name: Scoring
Spigot/Skript Version: 1.20.1
What I want: I want a minecraft Scoring System for my event. Every time I try and codde it, it just breaks so I'm asking for help here.
Ideas for commands:
1. I want it to edit the players score, such as /score add (player) (number)
2. I want it to be able to remove players score, such as /score remove (player) (number)
3. I want to be able to set a players score, such as /score set (player) (number)
4. I want it to be able to be cleared all players scores, such as /score clear (confirm)
5. I want it to be able to list everyones scores, such as /score list (global,player), if it's global, I want it to send a chat message telling the person who ran the command the scores. If it's player, I want the server to send a chat telling only the player's score.
Also, I want it so when a player kills a player, it gives the killed player 50 points (Score) and all other alive players 5 points. I also want a command that is /score (enable,disable): disable is resetting all dead players, and making them alive. Enable is just making sure players are alive.
Every time a player recieves points, I want the server to send a chat:
"&f[ &a&l+ &r&e&l(Ammount) &r&f] &ePoints for (Surviving, or Killing.)"
Ideas for permissions: crownwars.score
When I'd like it by: As soon as possible.
Suggested name: Scoring
Spigot/Skript Version: 1.20.1
What I want: I want a minecraft Scoring System for my event. Every time I try and codde it, it just breaks so I'm asking for help here.
Ideas for commands:
1. I want it to edit the players score, such as /score add (player) (number)
2. I want it to be able to remove players score, such as /score remove (player) (number)
3. I want to be able to set a players score, such as /score set (player) (number)
4. I want it to be able to be cleared all players scores, such as /score clear (confirm)
5. I want it to be able to list everyones scores, such as /score list (global,player), if it's global, I want it to send a chat message telling the person who ran the command the scores. If it's player, I want the server to send a chat telling only the player's score.
Also, I want it so when a player kills a player, it gives the killed player 50 points (Score) and all other alive players 5 points. I also want a command that is /score (enable,disable): disable is resetting all dead players, and making them alive. Enable is just making sure players are alive.
Every time a player recieves points, I want the server to send a chat:
"&f[ &a&l+ &r&e&l(Ammount) &r&f] &ePoints for (Surviving, or Killing.)"
Ideas for permissions: crownwars.score
When I'd like it by: As soon as possible.