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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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Staff member
Addon Developer
Dev Programme
Jan 20, 2018
This addon is a fork of skript-mirror, and comes with a bunch of bug fixes and new features.
Some of the important bug fixes and features:
  • Fixed async event listening
  • Fixed local variables issues being deleted after async java calls and after parse sections from custom syntax
  • Added support for newer Java versions and Java vendors
  • Added custom events
  • Added sections, with support for running code blocks async
  • Fixed class proxies and made them easier to use
#1 Basic Java call:

set {_nl} to System.lineSeparator()

#2 Event listening

on CauldronLevelChangeEvent:
    broadcast "The cauldron at %event.getBlock().getLocation()% had its level changed from %event.getOldLevel()% to %event.getNewLevel()%"

#3 Custom syntax
effect send (experience|xp) change of %number% [with level %-number%] to %players%:
        set {_progress} to expr-1
        set {_level} to expr-2
        loop exprs-3:
            set {_p} to loop-value
            if {_level} is set:
                {_p}.sendExperienceChange({_progress}, {_level})

send xp change of 0.75 with level 9 to player

Some full example scripts featuring new features from skript-reflect are coming soon.
The documentation and a guide to get started is available on GitBook:
Issues and suggestions should be reported on GitHub.
You can get help in the skript-mirror channel of the skUnity Discord, or you can ask questions in the skript-reflect discord.
SkriptLang updated skript-reflect with a new update entry:

skript-reflect 2.4

skript-reflect 2.4

skript-reflect 2.4 is here with compatibility for the newest versions of Skript! Even more exciting, this is the first skript-reflect release officially under SkriptLang. We are excited to continue development of this important addon.

As always, report any issues to our issues page.

Happy Skript-reflecting!


  • Added a...

Read the rest of this update entry...
SkriptLang updated skript-reflect with a new update entry:

skript-reflect 2.5

skript-reflect 2.5

skript-reflect 2.5 is here with support for Skript 2.9.0. No major changes have been made, but 2.5 now requires Java 11 to run, as well as Skript 2.9.0 (or newer). Users with older Skript versions should continue to use reflect 2.4.

As always, report any issues to our issues page.

Happy Skript-reflecting!



  • Support for...

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SkriptLang updated skript-reflect with a new update entry:

Skript-Reflect 2.5.1 - Support for Skript 2.9+

skript-reflect 2.5.1

This is an emergency release to fix a critical issue with 2.5. The fix has been backported to the GitHub 2.5 release jar, but it is recommended to use the 2.5.1 jar instead. Our apologies for letting this bug slip through.

As always, report any issues to our issues page.

Happy Skript-reflecting!



  • Fixes an NPE with...

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SkriptLang updated skript-reflect with a new update entry:

skript-reflect 2.6

skript-reflect 2.6 - Support for Skript 2.10.0

skript-reflect now supports Skript 2.10.0! No major changes have occurred, but please see below for the changes regarding the supported versions and requirements.

As always, report any issues to our issues page.

Happy Skript-reflecting!


Version Support
skript-reflect now requires Skript 2.10.0 or...

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