Hello! So I wanted to make a skript where players can toggle seeing grass and flowers by /grass command. I wanted to use "make player see block as block" but I have ran into a problem. I wasn't able to make the player see the flowers for a temporary time so it will remain as air. Could you help me please?
command /grass [<text>]:
aliases: /fű, /fu, /weed
if arg-1 is not set:
if {grass.%player%} is false:
set {grass.%player%} to true
send "&6MN &8»&7 Sikeresen &ebekapcsoltad&7 a növények eltűntetését!"
set {grass.%player%} to false
send "&6MN &8»&7 Sikeresen &ekikapcsoltad&7 növények eltűntetését!"
else if arg-1 is set:
if arg-1 is "reload" or "rl":
execute player command "sk reload MoszkvaGrass"
send "&6MN &8»&7 Plugin sikeresen újratöltve!"
send "&6MN &8»&7 Helyes használat: &c/grass"
on any movement:
if {grass.%player%} is true:
wait 10 tick
loop all blocks in radius 5 around the player:
if loop-block is poppy:
make player see loop-block as air
wait 1 tick
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