[SKRIPT] Formatted Countdown

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New Member
Nov 14, 2020
Category: Skript?

Suggested name: Countdown

Spigot/Skript Version: 1.16.3

What I want:
A formatted countdown (03:00, 02:59 etc) that works in the scoreboard

Ideas for commands:
/countdown start [minutes] (For example: /countdown start 6)
/countdown pause
/countdown stop

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by: Anytime
I'd like to know if you have any scoreboard setup yet and if you are planning to have one in order to do this.
ima try and do it but idk how its gonna go. dont expect for too much
Category: Skript?

Suggested name: Countdown

Spigot/Skript Version: 1.16.3

What I want:
A formatted countdown (03:00, 02:59 etc) that works in the scoreboard

Ideas for commands:
/countdown start [minutes] (For example: /countdown start 6)
/countdown pause
/countdown stop

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by: Anytime
I looked deeper into this and I just realized I coded a whole skript breaking my head how to make a pause. when I realized u want it on scoreboard and on 1.16 which I dont code at.
good job me
good reading skills
    prefix: &3Countdown &8>
    permission: countdown.use
    nopermission: &cYou don't have permission to set the Countdown
    TooMuch: &cThis Argument is too much
    CountdownSet: &6The &3Countdown &6was set to &c%{Counter.Zahl}%
    Finish: &cCountdown finished
command /countdown [<number>]:
        if player has the permission "{@permission}":
            if arg isn't set:
                send "{@prefix} &7Argumente&8: &c1 &8- &c60"
                stop trigger
            if arg 1 is greater than 60:
                send "{@prefix} {@TooMuch}"
            set {Counter.Zahl} to arg 1
            set {Counter.Online} to true
            loop {Counter.Zahl} times:
                if {Counter.Online} is true:
                    make player execute command "scoreboard-refresh"
                    broadcast "{@prefix} {@CountdownSet}"
                    remove 1 from {Counter.Zahl}
                    wait 1 second   
                    if {Counter.Zahl} is 0:
                        if {Counter.Online} is true:
                            set {Counter.Online} to false
                            broadcast "{@prefix} {@Finish}"
                            make player execute command "scoreboard-aus"
            send player title "{@prefix}" with subtitle "{@nopermission}" for 2 seconds
            send action bar from "{@prefix} {@nopermission}" to player
            message "{@prefix} {@nopermission}"
command /scoreboard-refresh:
        wipe player sidebar
        set name of sidebar of player to  " "
        wipe player sidebar
        set name of sidebar of player to "{@prefix}"
        set score "&7▬▬▬&8▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&7▬▬▬" in sidebar of player to 4
        set score "&3Countdown:" in sidebar of player to 3
        set score "&a» &7%{Counter.Zahl}% &3sec" in sidebar of player to 2
        set score "&8▬▬▬&7▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&8▬▬▬" in sidebar of player to 1
command /scoreboard-aus:
        wipe player sidebar
        set name of sidebar of player to  " "
    prefix: &3Countdown &8>
    permission: countdown.use
    nopermission: &cYou don't have permission to set the Countdown
    TooMuch: &cThis Argument is too much
    CountdownSet: &6The &3Countdown &6was set to &c%{Counter.Zahl}%
    Finish: &cCountdown finished
command /countdown [<number>]:
        if player has the permission "{@permission}":
            if arg isn't set:
                send "{@prefix} &7Argumente&8: &c1 &8- &c60"
                stop trigger
            if arg 1 is greater than 60:
                send "{@prefix} {@TooMuch}"
            set {Counter.Zahl} to arg 1
            set {Counter.Online} to true
            loop {Counter.Zahl} times:
                if {Counter.Online} is true:
                    make player execute command "scoreboard-refresh"
                    broadcast "{@prefix} {@CountdownSet}"
                    remove 1 from {Counter.Zahl}
                    wait 1 second  
                    if {Counter.Zahl} is 0:
                        if {Counter.Online} is true:
                            set {Counter.Online} to false
                            broadcast "{@prefix} {@Finish}"
                            make player execute command "scoreboard-aus"
            send player title "{@prefix}" with subtitle "{@nopermission}" for 2 seconds
            send action bar from "{@prefix} {@nopermission}" to player
            message "{@prefix} {@nopermission}"
command /scoreboard-refresh:
        wipe player sidebar
        set name of sidebar of player to  " "
        wipe player sidebar
        set name of sidebar of player to "{@prefix}"
        set score "&7▬▬▬&8▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&7▬▬▬" in sidebar of player to 4
        set score "&3Countdown:" in sidebar of player to 3
        set score "&a» &7%{Counter.Zahl}% &3sec" in sidebar of player to 2
        set score "&8▬▬▬&7▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬&8▬▬▬" in sidebar of player to 1
command /scoreboard-aus:
        wipe player sidebar
        set name of sidebar of player to  " "
i dont feel like i should interrupt, but he said a pause & a cancel.