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Script Skript | Custom Merchants 1.2.1

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Jan 2, 2024
SirSmurfy2 submitted a new resource:

Skript | Custom Merchants - Easily accessible custom merchants for making trades.

Requires SkBee

This skript allows you to easily create, customize, and access the trades you make.
You can create as many merchants as you please, though I do not recommend going overboard.
There is a wide variety of entities you can choose from.
While in the Trade Editor GUI, you can set the trades as you please, as well as customize the spawned entity.
As of right now, I have limited the amount of trades per merchant to 18.
Each merchant is connected to a hardcoded ID number that...

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SirSmurfy2 updated Skript | Custom Merchants with a new update entry:

Minor Update [1.0.1]

- Added "Toggle Trade" in the Trade Editor GUI : Disabling makes non-opped players unable to open the Trade GUI
- Optimized the pagination of the Main Menu, Entity Selector, and Trade Editor GUIs (Thanks to @Fusezion)
- Fixed an error within Entity Selector GUI

I plan on making it to where you can have multiple entities for 1 merchant in the near future.

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SirSmurfy2 updated Skript | Custom Merchants with a new update entry:

Minor Update [1.0.1]

Last update was done incorrectly, did not update the file.

- Added "Toggle Trade" in the Trade Editor GUI : Disabling makes non-opped players unable to open the Trade GUI
- Optimized the pagination of the Main Menu, Entity Selector, and Trade Editor GUIs (Thanks to @Fusezion)
- Fixed an error within Entity Selector GUI
- Added when a trade does not meet requirements on close of the Trade Editor GUI, items are given back

I plan on making it to where you...

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SirSmurfy2 updated Skript | Custom Merchants with a new update entry:

Settings Update [1.0.2]

[Change Log]
- Changed, Creating or Spawning Entity with commands, entities are displayed as namespace key
- Fixed error from last update, causing the inability to spawn entities from GUI

- Added customizable settings, located in GUI or /cm Settings
- [New Setting] Max Slime Size - Set the max size for slime and magma cubes
- [New Setting] Max Trades - Change max amount of trades per merchant
- [New Setting] Max Merchants - Change max amount of merchants
- [New Setting] Chat Timer - Change...

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SirSmurfy2 updated Skript | Custom Merchants with a new update entry:

Multiple Entities [1.1.0]

REQUIRED Execute /cm Update when downloading this version

[Change Log]
- Added the ability for multiple entities per merchant
- Added Merchant Entities GUI, displays all entities for selected merchant
- Added a /cm Help command, displays all commands possible with info for each
- Added a /cm Update command, updates all existing merchants to new format
- Added new setting "Multiple Entities" can toggle ON or OFF
- Changed Merchant Editor GUI, now shows "Entities" to open...

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SirSmurfy2 updated Skript | Custom Merchants with a new update entry:

Support Update [1.2.0]

Due to the change in NBT and item flags in the newer versions
And to be able to support older versions (1.20 --> 1.20.4)
This skript will now be requiring Skript-Reflect

[Change Log]
- Support for 1.20.5 --> 1.21
- Armadillo and Bogged display heads
- Armadillo states
- Custom NBT expression, allowing the usage for multiple MC versions (skript-reflect)
- Custom Item Flag expression, allowing the usage for multiple MC...

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SirSmurfy2 updated Skript | Custom Merchants with a new update entry:

Minor Support Update [1.2.1]

As of last update (1.2.0) Skript-Reflect is also required to use this skript.

[Change Log]
- Checks for required plugins
- Error message if required plugins are not present
- Support for SkBee 3.6.0+
- /cm ChangeLog (Shows changes for current version)

- /cm Update (Not needed anymore)

DM me if any bug/errors are found, or any suggestions!

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