Skript cooldown cancel if player leaves inventory

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New Member
Mar 1, 2021
I currently have a /warps skript with several warps with a cooldown of 30 minutes everytime someone uses this command. But my issue is if someone was to leave this inventory, the cooldown would still start. Anyone know how to fix this? also I tried adding cooldown cancel after send "&cCould not teleport you to Europe" to player but it didn't work. Anyone know how I can add a cooldown cancel if the else statement happens?

My questions:
1) How to add a cooldown cancel when a player exits the inventory gui
2) How to add a cooldown cancel when the else statement happens
command /warps:
    cooldown: 30 minutes
    cooldown message: &ePlease wait %remaining time% to use /warps again
        open virtual chest with 1 rows named "&a&lWarps" to player
        format gui slot 1 of player with Grass block named "&aEurope" to run:
            send "&aStand still for 3 seconds to be teleported to Europe"
            close player's inventory
            set {_x} to x-coords of player
            set {_z} to z-coords of player
            wait 3 seconds
            set {_x-now} to x-coords of player
            set {_z-now} to z-coords of player
            if {_x-now} = {_x}:
                if {_z-now} = {_z}:
                    send "&aYou have successfully been teleported to Europe"
                    teleport player to location 3752, 123, -10560 in world "GCEarth"
                    send "&cCould not teleport you to Europe" to player
I currently have a /warps skript with several warps with a cooldown of 30 minutes everytime someone uses this command. But my issue is if someone was to leave this inventory, the cooldown would still start. Anyone know how to fix this? also I tried adding cooldown cancel after send "&cCould not teleport you to Europe" to player but it didn't work. Anyone know how I can add a cooldown cancel if the else statement happens?

My questions:
1) How to add a cooldown cancel when a player exits the inventory gui
2) How to add a cooldown cancel when the else statement happens
command /warps:
    cooldown: 30 minutes
    cooldown message: &ePlease wait %remaining time% to use /warps again
        open virtual chest with 1 rows named "&a&lWarps" to player
        format gui slot 1 of player with Grass block named "&aEurope" to run:
            send "&aStand still for 3 seconds to be teleported to Europe"
            close player's inventory
            set {_x} to x-coords of player
            set {_z} to z-coords of player
            wait 3 seconds
            set {_x-now} to x-coords of player
            set {_z-now} to z-coords of player
            if {_x-now} = {_x}:
                if {_z-now} = {_z}:
                    send "&aYou have successfully been teleported to Europe"
                    teleport player to location 3752, 123, -10560 in world "GCEarth"
                    send "&cCould not teleport you to Europe" to player
command /warps:
        open virtual chest with 1 rows named "&a&lWarps" to player
        format gui slot 1 of player with Grass block named "&aEurope" to run:
            set {_waited} to difference between {cake.%player%.lastused} and now
            if {_waited} is less than 30 minutes:
                send "&ePlease wait %difference between a minute and {_waited}% to use /warps again"
                send "&aStand still for 3 seconds to be teleported to Europe"
                close player's inventory
                set {_x} to x-coords of player
                set {_z} to z-coords of player
                wait 3 seconds
                set {_x-now} to x-coords of player
                set {_z-now} to z-coords of player
                if {_x-now} = {_x}:
                    if {_z-now} = {_z}:
                        send "&aYou have successfully been teleported to Europe"
                        teleport player to location 3752, 123, -10560 in world "GCEarth"
                        set {cake.%player%.lastused} to now
                        send "&cCould not teleport you to Europe" to player
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