Yesterday I tried to code a few commands in skript but the commands do not show up, i have 0 errors and the code should work.
Please Help Thx
command /shop:
description: opens a server-wide shop.
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "Shop" to player
format gui slot (all integers between 0 and 9) of player with gray stained glass pane named " "
format gui slot 10 of player with oak log named "&l&6Gens" to run:
open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&l&6Gens" to player
format gui slot (all integers between 0 and 44) of player with gray stained glass pane named " "
format gui slot 22 of player with coal block named "&8&lCoal Gen" to run:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 500:
remove 500 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
give {genlevel::1} named "&f%genname(1)% Gen" with lore "&7Tier %toRoman(1)% &7Gen" to player
send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
format gui slot 11 of player with hopper named "&l&5Misc." to run:
open virtual chest inventory with size 4 named "&l&5Miscellaneous" to player
format gui slot (all integers between 0 and 35) of player with gray stained glass pane named " "
#water bucket
format gui slot 9 of player with water bucket named "&1&lWater Bucket" with lore "&aCost: &c750" to run:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 750:
remove 750 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
give water bucket named "&1&lWater Bucket" to player
send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
format gui slot 10 of player with hopper named "&7&lHopper" with lore "&aCost: &c5000" to run:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 5000:
remove 5000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
give hopper to player
send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
format gui slot 11 of player with chest named "&6&lChest" with lore "&aCost: &c500" to run:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 500:
remove 500 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
give chest named "&6&lChest" to player
send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
#name tag
format gui slot 12 of player with nametag named "&6&lName Tag" with lore "&aCost: &c2000" to run:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 2000:
remove 2000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
give nametag named "&6&lName Tag" to player
send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
format gui slot 13 of player with lava bucket named "&c&lLava Bucket" with lore "&aCost: &c750" to run:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 750:
remove 750 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
give lava bucket named "&c&lLava Bucket" to player
send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
#Soul Sand
format gui slot 14 of player with soul sand named "&7&lSoul Sand" with lore "&aCost: &c200" to run:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 200:
remove 200 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
give soul sand named "&7&lSoul Sand" to player
send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
#enchant table
format gui slot 15 of player with enchanting table named "&b&lEnchanting Table" with lore "&aCost: &c6000" to run:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 6000:
remove 6000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
give enchanting table named "&b&lEnchanting Table" to player
send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
format gui slot 16 of player with anvil named "&7&lAnvil" with lore "&aCost: &c2000" to run:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 2000:
remove 2000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
give anvil named "&7&lAnvil" to player
send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
format gui slot 17 of player with bookshelf named "&3&lBook Shelf" with lore "&aCost: &c200" to run:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 200:
remove 2000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
give bookshelf named "&3&lBook Shelf" to player
send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
format gui slot 18 of player with book named "&3&lBook" with lore "&aCost: &c100" to run:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 100:
remove 100 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
give book named "&3&lBook" to player
send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
#xp bottle
format gui slot 19 of player with experience bottle named "&3&lXP &b&lBottle" with lore "&aCost: &c750" to run:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 750:
remove 750 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
give experience bottle named "&3&lXP &b&lBottle" to player
send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
format gui slot 19 of player with beacon named "&b&lBeacon" with lore "&aCost: &c20000" to run:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 20000:
remove 20000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
give beacon named "&b&lBeacon" to player
send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
Please Help Thx