Skript Commands Not Working

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Mar 18, 2021
Yesterday I tried to code a few commands in skript but the commands do not show up, i have 0 errors and the code should work.

command /shop:
    description: opens a server-wide shop.
        open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "Shop" to player
        format gui slot (all integers between 0 and 9) of player with gray stained glass pane named " "
        format gui slot 10 of player with oak log named "&l&6Gens" to run:
            open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&l&6Gens" to player
            format gui slot (all integers between 0 and 44) of player with gray stained glass pane named " "
            format gui slot 22 of player with coal block named "&8&lCoal Gen" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 500:
                    remove 500 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give {genlevel::1} named "&f%genname(1)% Gen" with lore "&7Tier %toRoman(1)% &7Gen" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
        format gui slot 11 of player with hopper named "&l&5Misc." to run:
            open virtual chest inventory with size 4 named "&l&5Miscellaneous" to player
            format gui slot (all integers between 0 and 35) of player with gray stained glass pane named " "
#water bucket
            format gui slot 9 of player with water bucket named "&1&lWater Bucket" with lore "&aCost: &c750" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 750:
                    remove 750 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give water bucket named "&1&lWater Bucket" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 10 of player with hopper named "&7&lHopper" with lore "&aCost: &c5000" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 5000:
                    remove 5000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give hopper to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 11 of player with chest named "&6&lChest" with lore "&aCost: &c500" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 500:
                    remove 500 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give chest named "&6&lChest" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
#name tag
            format gui slot 12 of player with nametag named "&6&lName Tag" with lore "&aCost: &c2000" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 2000:
                    remove 2000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give nametag named "&6&lName Tag" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 13 of player with lava bucket named "&c&lLava Bucket" with lore "&aCost: &c750" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 750:
                    remove 750 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give lava bucket named "&c&lLava Bucket" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
#Soul Sand
            format gui slot 14 of player with soul sand named "&7&lSoul Sand" with lore "&aCost: &c200" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 200:
                    remove 200 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give soul sand named "&7&lSoul Sand" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
#enchant table
            format gui slot 15 of player with enchanting table named "&b&lEnchanting Table" with lore "&aCost: &c6000" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 6000:
                    remove 6000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give enchanting table named "&b&lEnchanting Table" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 16 of player with anvil named "&7&lAnvil" with lore "&aCost: &c2000" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 2000:
                    remove 2000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give anvil named "&7&lAnvil" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 17 of player with bookshelf named "&3&lBook Shelf" with lore "&aCost: &c200" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 200:
                    remove 2000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give bookshelf named "&3&lBook Shelf" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 18 of player with book named "&3&lBook" with lore "&aCost: &c100" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 100:
                    remove 100 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give book named "&3&lBook" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
#xp bottle
            format gui slot 19 of player with experience bottle named "&3&lXP &b&lBottle" with lore "&aCost: &c750" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 750:
                    remove 750 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give experience bottle named "&3&lXP &b&lBottle" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 19 of player with beacon named "&b&lBeacon" with lore "&aCost: &c20000" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 20000:
                    remove 20000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give beacon named "&b&lBeacon" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player

Please Help Thx
got this in
Also it would be amazing if you would say what addons you are using


  • Screenshot 2021-10-30 125404.png
    Screenshot 2021-10-30 125404.png
    3.6 KB · Views: 177
Yesterday I tried to code a few commands in skript but the commands do not show up, i have 0 errors and the code should work.

command /shop:
    description: opens a server-wide shop.
        open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "Shop" to player
        format gui slot (all integers between 0 and 9) of player with gray stained glass pane named " "
        format gui slot 10 of player with oak log named "&l&6Gens" to run:
            open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&l&6Gens" to player
            format gui slot (all integers between 0 and 44) of player with gray stained glass pane named " "
            format gui slot 22 of player with coal block named "&8&lCoal Gen" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 500:
                    remove 500 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give {genlevel::1} named "&f%genname(1)% Gen" with lore "&7Tier %toRoman(1)% &7Gen" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
        format gui slot 11 of player with hopper named "&l&5Misc." to run:
            open virtual chest inventory with size 4 named "&l&5Miscellaneous" to player
            format gui slot (all integers between 0 and 35) of player with gray stained glass pane named " "
#water bucket
            format gui slot 9 of player with water bucket named "&1&lWater Bucket" with lore "&aCost: &c750" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 750:
                    remove 750 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give water bucket named "&1&lWater Bucket" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 10 of player with hopper named "&7&lHopper" with lore "&aCost: &c5000" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 5000:
                    remove 5000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give hopper to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 11 of player with chest named "&6&lChest" with lore "&aCost: &c500" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 500:
                    remove 500 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give chest named "&6&lChest" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
#name tag
            format gui slot 12 of player with nametag named "&6&lName Tag" with lore "&aCost: &c2000" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 2000:
                    remove 2000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give nametag named "&6&lName Tag" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 13 of player with lava bucket named "&c&lLava Bucket" with lore "&aCost: &c750" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 750:
                    remove 750 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give lava bucket named "&c&lLava Bucket" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
#Soul Sand
            format gui slot 14 of player with soul sand named "&7&lSoul Sand" with lore "&aCost: &c200" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 200:
                    remove 200 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give soul sand named "&7&lSoul Sand" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
#enchant table
            format gui slot 15 of player with enchanting table named "&b&lEnchanting Table" with lore "&aCost: &c6000" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 6000:
                    remove 6000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give enchanting table named "&b&lEnchanting Table" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 16 of player with anvil named "&7&lAnvil" with lore "&aCost: &c2000" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 2000:
                    remove 2000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give anvil named "&7&lAnvil" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 17 of player with bookshelf named "&3&lBook Shelf" with lore "&aCost: &c200" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 200:
                    remove 2000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give bookshelf named "&3&lBook Shelf" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 18 of player with book named "&3&lBook" with lore "&aCost: &c100" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 100:
                    remove 100 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give book named "&3&lBook" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
#xp bottle
            format gui slot 19 of player with experience bottle named "&3&lXP &b&lBottle" with lore "&aCost: &c750" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 750:
                    remove 750 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give experience bottle named "&3&lXP &b&lBottle" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player
            format gui slot 19 of player with beacon named "&b&lBeacon" with lore "&aCost: &c20000" to run:
                if {bal::%uuid of player%} is greater than 20000:
                    remove 20000 from {bal::%uuid of player%}
                    give beacon named "&b&lBeacon" to player
                    send "&cSorry &4%player% &cBut You Dont Have Enogth Money" to player

Please Help Thx
It seems like you're using skript-tuske, I suggest changing to skript-gui because skript-tuske is kinda bad. Also if your server uses 1.17 make sure that you're using the latest version of skript-gui (if you change to it) or skript-tuske. The fact that the command doesn't show up has to do with it, especially if your skript reloads really quickly because in that case it means that it is problematic, only if the skript is supposed to take some time to load of course.
well trying to switch to skript-gui fixed the problem... but skript-gui isnt working so good... ill try to fix it.
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