Solved Skript Block Issue

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Jan 26, 2017
SkUnity Street
Skript Version: 2.2-dev23
Skript Author: Bensku?
Minecraft Version: 1.8.8
Full Code:
on rightclick on a chest:
 if player's world is "KitPvP":
  if player's gamemode is adventure:
   if "%location of clicked block%" contains "-1422" and "5" and "981":
   #if "%location of clicked chest%" contains "-1422" and "5" and "981":
    cancel the event
    broadcast "&a&lWOOHOO!"

Errors on Reload:

Console Errors: (if applicable)


Other Useful Info:
Here is a video where I demonstrate it not working:

Addons using (including versions):
Skript, SkQuery, SkStuff, skUtilities, SkAction, Skellett, skRayFall, WolvSk, Umbaska, MundoSk, WildSkript, TuSke, SharpSK
(Yes I have a problem with addons)


Have you tried searching the docs? No
Have you tried searching the forums? Yes
What other methods have you tried to fix it? Changing the "if" checking methods around.
Last edited:
First, have you checked if other methods work? Like 'targeted block' instead of 'clicked block'?
And have you sent test messages? Because maybe another thing in the code doesn't work.

But, I think the best way to fix this issue, is to set the location as a variable.
It's better when you have to check this later in the code.

on right click on a chest:
 if player's world is "KitPvP":
  if player's gamemode is adventure:
   if {KitPvP::CrateLocation} is location of clicked block:
    cancel event
    message "&a&lWOOHOO!"

command /kitpvp <text>:
 permission: kitpvp.admin
  if arg-1 is "setcratelocation":
   if targeted block is a chest:
    set {KitPvP::CrateLocation} to location of targeted block
    message "&a&lYou've set the Crate location!"
or... if you wan't without Variables. then try this

on rightclick:
    set {_loc} to location of clicked block
    set {_x} to x-coord of {_loc}
    if {_x} is -1422:
        set {_z} to z-coord of {_loc}
        if {_z} is 981:
            set {_y} to y-coord of {_loc}
            if {_y} is 5:
                send "Woho"
or... if you wan't without Variables. then try this

on rightclick:
    set {_loc} to location of clicked block
    set {_x} to x-coord of {_loc}
    if {_x} is -1422:
        set {_z} to z-coord of {_loc}
        if {_z} is 981:
            set {_y} to y-coord of {_loc}
            if {_y} is 5:
                send "Woho"

Yeah, that's also a possible way.
First, have you checked if other methods work? Like 'targeted block' instead of 'clicked block'?
And have you sent test messages? Because maybe another thing in the code doesn't work.

But, I think the best way to fix this issue, is to set the location as a variable.
It's better when you have to check this later in the code.

on right click on a chest:
 if player's world is "KitPvP":
  if player's gamemode is adventure:
   if {KitPvP::CrateLocation} is location of clicked block:
    cancel event
    message "&a&lWOOHOO!"

command /kitpvp <text>:
 permission: kitpvp.admin
  if arg-1 is "setcratelocation":
   if targeted block is a chest:
    set {KitPvP::CrateLocation} to location of targeted block
    message "&a&lYou've set the Crate location!"
It worked!
Thank you so much! :emoji_grinning:
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