Skript attraction/suction ability help needed

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Sep 19, 2024
Im creating a skript that give the players powers each unique to each other one of them is Gojo's blue from jujutsu kaisen that im having quite a bit of trouble with everything works well until the pulling towards the designated area for pulling which is supposed to be 5 blocks infront of the player
it has many different toggles for abilities

The suspected area thats wrong:

pull loop-entity towards {_pull_loc} at speed 1.5

Full ability code :

on right click:
    if {skill::%player%} is set:
        if player is sneaking:
            if {org.%uuid of player%} is "Mullac":
                execute player command: "/blue"
command /blue:
        if {org.%uuid of player%} is "Mullac":
            if {Togglecolour::*} contains player's uuid:
                if {Togglemessages::*} contains player's uuid:
                    send "&bYou disabled your abilities, use /toggle to enable them again." to player
            send "&6Activated &e&lCursed Technique: Blue &r&6ability." to player
            play sound "entity.generic.extinguish_fire" at player
            # Calculate location 5 blocks in front of the player
            set {_pull_loc} to location of player offset by vector(0, 0, 5)
            loop 20 times:
                loop all players in radius 8 around {_pull_loc}:
                    {org.%uuid of loop-entity%} is not "Mullac":
                        pull loop-player towards {_pull_loc} at speed 2
                        apply slowness 1 to loop-player for 2 seconds

                draw 20 portal at {_pull_loc} with offset vector(1, 1, 1) with extra 0.4

                loop all entities in radius 10 around {_pull_loc} where [input is not player]:
                    pull loop-entity towards {_pull_loc} at speed 1.5
                    damage loop-entity by 3 hearts
                    send "&bYou are pulled by Gojo's Blue!" to loop-entity
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Im creating a skript that give the players powers each unique to each other one of them is Gojo's blue from jujutsu kaisen that im having quite a bit of trouble with everything works well until the pulling towards the designated area for pulling which is supposed to be 5 blocks infront of the player
it has many different toggles for abilities

The suspected area thats wrong:

pull loop-entity towards {_pull_loc} at speed 1.5

Full ability code :

on right click:
    if {skill::%player%} is set:
        if player is sneaking:
            if {org.%uuid of player%} is "Mullac":
                execute player command: "/blue"
command /blue:
        if {org.%uuid of player%} is "Mullac":
            if {Togglecolour::*} contains player's uuid:
                if {Togglemessages::*} contains player's uuid:
                    send "&bYou disabled your abilities, use /toggle to enable them again." to player
            send "&6Activated &e&lCursed Technique: Blue &r&6ability." to player
            play sound "entity.generic.extinguish_fire" at player
            # Calculate location 5 blocks in front of the player
            set {_pull_loc} to location of player offset by vector(0, 0, 5)
            loop 20 times:
                loop all players in radius 8 around {_pull_loc}:
                    {org.%uuid of loop-entity%} is not "Mullac":
                        pull loop-player towards {_pull_loc} at speed 2
                        apply slowness 1 to loop-player for 2 seconds

                draw 20 portal at {_pull_loc} with offset vector(1, 1, 1) with extra 0.4

                loop all entities in radius 10 around {_pull_loc} where [input is not player]:
                    pull loop-entity towards {_pull_loc} at speed 1.5
                    damage loop-entity by 3 hearts
                    send "&bYou are pulled by Gojo's Blue!" to loop-entity
Replace 'pull' with 'push'.