My friend and I are trying to make a Skript where if you are wearing a full armor set, it effects you with resistance. Here's the code we have:
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! (remember, we are limited to minehut's plugin list. we can't go beyond what minehut has.)
{superior.%player%} = "False"
{superior.count.%player%} = 0
on player armor change:
if new chestplate is named "&6Superior Dragon Chestplate":
add 1 to {superior.count.%player%}
if new leggings is named "&6Superior Dragon Leggings":
add 1 to {superior.count.%player%}
if new boots is named "&6Superior Dragon Boots":
add 1 to {superior.count.%player%}
if new helmet is named "&6Superior Dragon Helmet":
add 1 to {superior.count.%player%}
if {superior.count.%player%} = 4:
set {superior.%player%} to "True"
if {superior.%player%} = "True":
apply resistance 255 for 999 days to player
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! (remember, we are limited to minehut's plugin list. we can't go beyond what minehut has.)