skript armor

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New Member
May 27, 2021
My friend and I are trying to make a Skript where if you are wearing a full armor set, it effects you with resistance. Here's the code we have:

    {superior.%player%} = "False"
    {superior.count.%player%} = 0

on player armor change:
    if new chestplate is named "&6Superior Dragon Chestplate":
        add 1 to {superior.count.%player%}
    if new leggings is named "&6Superior Dragon Leggings":
        add 1 to {superior.count.%player%}
    if new boots is named "&6Superior Dragon Boots":
        add 1 to {superior.count.%player%}
    if new helmet is named "&6Superior Dragon Helmet":
        add 1 to {superior.count.%player%}
    if {superior.count.%player%} = 4:
        set {superior.%player%} to "True"
    if {superior.%player%} = "True":
        apply resistance 255 for 999 days to player

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! (remember, we are limited to minehut's plugin list. we can't go beyond what minehut has.)
But keep in mind, if the player switched the armor the effect stays.
on player armor change:
  if player's helmet is named "&6Superior Dragon Chestplate":
    if player's chestplate is named "&6Superior Dragon Chestplate":
      if player's leggings is named "&6Superior Dragon Chestplate":
        if player's boots is named "&6Superior Dragon Chestplate":
          apply resistance 255 for 999 days to player
But keep in mind, if the player switched the armor the effect stays.
on player armor change:
  if player's helmet is named "&6Superior Dragon Chestplate":
    if player's chestplate is named "&6Superior Dragon Chestplate":
      if player's leggings is named "&6Superior Dragon Chestplate":
        if player's boots is named "&6Superior Dragon Chestplate":
          apply resistance 255 for 999 days to player

Hey! Thanks for responding, but it isn't exactly working out. Do you have any other ideas? We can't seem to find anywhere else where the answer is.(edited)
What exactly isn't working out?
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