[Skript 2.2] [SQL] Bungee Server Selector

Script [Skript 2.2] [SQL] Bungee Server Selector 1.1

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BaeFell Enthusiast
Addon Developer
Jan 26, 2017
WheezyGold7931 submitted a new resource:

[Skript 2.2] [SQL] Bungee Server Selector - Getting you to where you need to go!

Bungee Server Selector
by WheezyGold7931

Bungee Server Selector is a simple and easy to use SQL based plugin that allows for your players to switch between servers you choose.

/servers || The server switching GUI || No Perms
/serverselector || The settings command ||...

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Your script is good, thanks for making it. But there are some errors and i followed the tutorial correctly.

When i open the menu with /server, it gives me this error in Lobby-1 Console https://hastebin.com/obacupafiw.md.
If i type in /server in the other servers it does the same thing.

If i click an empty inventory space this is what it tells me in Bungeecord -> https://hastebin.com/hiwuqayeka.css
and [Server Selector] Adrihun was sent to <none> in Lobby-1 Console.

For some reason when i go into /servers and hover over the Iron Block, it says
"1/0" players, but on the server i actually have 30 slots, and on Bungee I have 2017.

It would be nice if you could update and fix these errors.
I will give you 5/5 Stars on your resource if you do.
If you are on Lobby-1, Lobby-1 would be an Emerald Block, same with the others.
@WheezyGold7931 Please? Its been a month?
And you promised you will help after 2.4 release?
[doublepost=1495146340][/doublepost]Still waiting....
WheezyGold7931 updated [Skript 2.2] [SQL] Bungee Server Selector with a new update entry:

v1.1 - Bug Fixes, Current Server


Made your current server show as an emerald.
Fixed a bug where you could click on any slot

Read the rest of this update entry...
update: the problem was you forgot to add "_" inbetween "iron " and "block" in line 59.

"iron block"

i changed it to


and everything worked.
update: the problem was you forgot to add "_" inbetween "iron " and "block" in line 59.

"iron block"

i changed it to


and everything worked.
That's a problem of your aliases, not of the script itself.
Can you make it LIVE, so when a server stops, it gets removed from the menu immediately, so we dont have to reopen the menu to see the items (blocks) in the Inventory update.