skrayfall: send "" to arg-2 for arg-3 seconds

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New Member
Feb 19, 2021
have this code and in the chat i receive a condition recognition error, I think it is due to the way I point out the arguments, can someone help me by changing what I did a little? specifically, I need the title to be able to be saved and retained when reloading/rebooting the server [cant understand this condition "send title"", already have skrayfall and its workin with "on join:"]
command /aw <text> <text> <integer>:
    if arg-1 is "subtitle":
      set {csub} to arg-2
    if arg-1 is "title":
      set {ctit} to arg-2
    if arg-1 is "send":
      if arg-2 is set:
        send title {ctit} to arg-2 for arg-3 seconds
        send subtitle {csub} to arg-2 for arg-3 seconds
        send "Needs a username in 2nd arg" to player
have this code and in the chat i receive a condition recognition error, I think it is due to the way I point out the arguments, can someone help me by changing what I did a little? specifically, I need the title to be able to be saved and retained when reloading/rebooting the server [cant understand this condition "send title"", already have skrayfall and its workin with "on join:"]
command /aw <text> <text> <integer>:
    if arg-1 is "subtitle":
      set {csub} to arg-2
    if arg-1 is "title":
      set {ctit} to arg-2
    if arg-1 is "send":
      if arg-2 is set:
        send title {ctit} to arg-2 for arg-3 seconds
        send subtitle {csub} to arg-2 for arg-3 seconds
        send "Needs a username in 2nd arg" to player
if i had to guess it's because of the 2nd argument, you can't send a title to "text" try changing that to player
Two things I've found:
1. Since arg-2 is a text, you'll need to specify that you want arg-1 to be handled like a player.
2. When setting (or sending) something for a certain period of time, it requires a timespan. Due to how Skript works, even though arg-3 is an integer, it's not a usable value for a timespan.

You can fix these by using the parse expression. When using arg-2, it's pretty straight forward as it's already a text. Adding "parsed as player" to the end of arg-2 ("arg-2 parsed as player") will fix the first problem.
The timespan requires a bit more, but it's still easy. You first need to make arg-3 a text (contradicts itself, doesn't it), but that doesn't mean that you should change the command to require a text though. You could end up sending a title for "text instead of an integer amount of time" seconds. To make arg-3 a text, you just surround it in % symbols and then surround '%arg-3%' with " symbols (now it should look like this, include the quote marks: "%arg-3%"). Now to parse it as a timespan, you'll need to add the "seconds" in that text too (it should now look like: "%arg-3% seconds"). Finally, you can add the "parsed as timespan" at the end ("%arg-3% seconds" parsed as timespan). I hope this helps, reply if you have any problems or concerns (or if you just want the updated lines)!
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