Oh, thank you! I just tried out that new version and it seems to fix the issue. I didn't know there was a github page, my bad. I found a new bug with this new release but I'll report it to github. (Should be an easy fix). Thanks again!
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Fixed a conflict between size of %objects% of Skript and the new WorldBorder size expression.
This is because Skript's accepts all objects, and that's not something that is friendly to other syntaxes. The new syntax is
Code:(size|diameter) of world[ ]border[s] %worldborders% [over [a [(time|period) of]] %-timespan%]
That was never in SkQuery, it's in Vanilla SkriptIs hot bar switch removed?
There was never regex in SkQuery, there is markup, and can only get a random element from a string query.Was regex removed from SkQuery?
[00:42:00 WARN]: java.lang.Throwable: Warning: A plugin is creating a recipe using a Deprecated method. This will cause you to receive warnings stating 'Tried to load unrecognized recipe: bukkit:<ID>'. Please ask the author to give their recipe a static key using NamespacedKey.
[00:42:00 WARN]: at org.bukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe.<init>(ShapelessRecipe.java:29)
[00:42:00 WARN]: at com.w00tmast3r.skquery.elements.effects.EffNewRecipe.execute(EffNewRecipe.java:43)
- Changed how the health scale works, to not be doubling the value anymore. (Closes https://github.com/SkQuery/SkQuery/issues/74)
- The `@noupdate::` block set effect was not registering, most likely due to the new markers in newer Skript versions. Added `set %blocks% to %itemtypes% with no [block] update` to allow this syntax to work again. (Closes https://github.com/SkQuery/SkQuery/issues/100)
- Fixed an issue collecting the ParserInstance in newer Skript versions...
Updated to Skript 2.10.0. Older versions still supported.
- Removed entities within chunks. Been in Skript since 2.5.
- Removed arrow knockback. Been in Skript since 2.5.1
- Removed flight mode. Now in Skript.
- Removed exploded blocks. Now in Skript 2.8.6
- Removed selected hotbar slot. Now in Skript.
- Removed colored potion expression. Use new aliases.
- Removed regain reason. Now in Skript.
- Removed values. Now in Skript 2.7.
- Removed max minecart speed. Now in Skript...
- Renamed all the packages to com.skquery.*
- Updated to Java 21. Java 21 is now required to run SkQuery.
- Removed some un-used classes.