
Addon Skonic 1.2.1-b1

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NagasonicDev updated Skonic with a new update entry:

Skonic 1.0.5


  • Fixed all major errors in v1.0.4
  • Re-did some patterns in citizen and skin elements
  • Improved player head expressions
  • Added UpdateChecker class (Will not work for previous versions)
  • Added better addon loading, shows element loading in console.
  • Changed ExprCitizenEntity -> ExprCitizenEntityType, as Citizen handled Entity as name, for some reason.
This update was majorly delayed by a lack of effort on my part, and for that, I...

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NagasonicDev updated Skonic with a new update entry:

Skonic 1.0.7

This release brings a bunch of changes to patterns and syntax within the expressions and effects. It also adds some elements to the citizens component of the plugin.


- Added "is navigating" condition
- Added citizen pathfind effect
- Added effect to change citizen's skin by the skin type.
- Added an expression for all citizens
- Added expression for citizen with a specified ID
- Changed all applicable citizen effects/expressions to allow an array of npcs. (Issue:#2)
- Added...

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NagasonicDev updated Skonic with a new update entry:

Skonic 1.1 (The Citizen Update)

Major Update

Hey guys, updating Skonic today with a bunch of changes for Citizens.


  • Created On Citizen Create Event
  • Created On Citizen Spawn Event
  • Created On Citizen Despawn Event
  • Created On Citizen Remove Event
  • Created On Citizen Death Event
  • Created On Citizen Right Click Event
  • Created On Citizen Left Click Event
  • Created On Citizen Create By Player Event
  • Created On Citizen Create By...

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NagasonicDev updated Skonic with a new update entry:

Skonic 1.2.1-b1

Beta Build
May not work as expected.

This is a pre-release for the 1.2.1 update, which should be released shortly after Skript 2.10.0.

- Added Citizen Load Chunks, Citizen Flyable and Citizen Collidable effects and conditions.
- Added Citizen Forcefield Expressions and Section (Requires Skript 2.10 (pre-release is fine))
- Added Citizen Pose expression and type.
- Fixed Problem with Head from URL having JSON error.


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