skNames | Create your own tablist groups!

Script skNames | Create your own tablist groups! 1.0.000

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Feb 1, 2017
HiiqhFive submitted a new resource:

skNames | Create your own tablist groups! - Create your own nametags for your tablist! | A perfect replacer for NameTagEdit!

for Skript 2.2

This system implements a way to manage your tablist prefixes/suffixes for every player.

to sort your nametags, name the groups like that:


• Skript (at least version 2.2)

Read more about this resource...
Is it possible to set the Suffix to something like "&eLevel 1", "&eLevel 2", etc. Without creating a new Group for each suffix?
Nope, you don't. It's a replacer for it.
You only need Skript, skultils, Skellett
If this skript has prefix variables, it should be compatible with the scoreboard (if that's what you mean)
What exactly Do you want to show in the scoreboard!
It doesn`t works.
Initiate Groups is not recognized
The Groups are not registered.
15 Errors. What can i do? Sorry, for my bad English. I am from Germany
I thought yes, but i am not sure. Where i can find version 2.2?

Hallo HiiqhFive. Wie mache ich ein Leerzeichen zwischen den Prefix und den Namen? Bei mir ist alles zusammengeklebt also OWNERbyCode_
Just add a space:
set prefix of nametag "%loop-value%" to "%{_prefix}%"
set suffix of nametag "%loop-value%" to "%{_suffix}%"


set prefix of nametag "%loop-value%" to "%{_prefix}% "
set suffix of nametag "%loop-value%" to " %{_suffix}%"
So i just downloaded this, and it doesn't work.
I have Skript 2.2, Skutilities and Skellett.
This is the error I get

[13:41:56 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading the config and all scripts...
[13:41:56 INFO]: Loaded a total of 79113 english aliases
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: create nametag "%loop-value%" (, line 30: create nametag "%loop-value%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set prefix of nametag "%loop-value%" to "%{_prefix}%" (, line 31: set prefix of nametag "%loop-value%" to "%{_prefix}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set suffix of nametag "%loop-value%" to "%{_suffix}%" (, line 32: set suffix of nametag "%loop-value%" to "%{_suffix}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: create nametag "%{_group}%" (, line 39: create nametag "%{_group}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set prefix of nametag "%{_group}%" to "%colored {_prefix}%" (, line 43: set prefix of nametag "%{_group}%" to "%colored {_prefix}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set suffix of nametag "%{_group}%" to " %colored {_prefix}%" (, line 47: set suffix of nametag "%{_group}%" to " %colored {_prefix}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: add {_target} to nametag "%{_group}%" (, line 51: add {_target} to nametag "%{_group}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: delete nametag "%arg 2%" (, line 104: delete nametag "%arg 2%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: remove {_target} from nametag "%arg 3%" (, line 145: remove {_target} from nametag "%arg 3%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: add loop-player to nametag "%{_group}%" (, line 164: add loop-player to nametag "%{_group}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: add player to nametag "%{_group}%" (, line 174: add player to nametag "%{_group}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: [skUtilities] v0.9.1: Yaml Path: 'skNames' doesn't exist in file '/Users/Shane/Desktop/Server/1.12.2/plugins/skNames/config.yml' (SExprYaml.class)
[13:41:57 INFO]: [skNames] Loaded 0 nametag groups from yaml file at plugins/skNames/config.yml!
So i just downloaded this, and it doesn't work.
I have Skript 2.2, Skutilities and Skellett.
This is the error I get

[13:41:56 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading the config and all scripts...
[13:41:56 INFO]: Loaded a total of 79113 english aliases
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: create nametag "%loop-value%" (, line 30: create nametag "%loop-value%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set prefix of nametag "%loop-value%" to "%{_prefix}%" (, line 31: set prefix of nametag "%loop-value%" to "%{_prefix}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set suffix of nametag "%loop-value%" to "%{_suffix}%" (, line 32: set suffix of nametag "%loop-value%" to "%{_suffix}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: create nametag "%{_group}%" (, line 39: create nametag "%{_group}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set prefix of nametag "%{_group}%" to "%colored {_prefix}%" (, line 43: set prefix of nametag "%{_group}%" to "%colored {_prefix}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set suffix of nametag "%{_group}%" to " %colored {_prefix}%" (, line 47: set suffix of nametag "%{_group}%" to " %colored {_prefix}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: add {_target} to nametag "%{_group}%" (, line 51: add {_target} to nametag "%{_group}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: delete nametag "%arg 2%" (, line 104: delete nametag "%arg 2%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: remove {_target} from nametag "%arg 3%" (, line 145: remove {_target} from nametag "%arg 3%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: add loop-player to nametag "%{_group}%" (, line 164: add loop-player to nametag "%{_group}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: add player to nametag "%{_group}%" (, line 174: add player to nametag "%{_group}%"')
[13:41:57 ERROR]: [skUtilities] v0.9.1: Yaml Path: 'skNames' doesn't exist in file '/Users/Shane/Desktop/Server/1.12.2/plugins/skNames/config.yml' (SExprYaml.class)
[13:41:57 INFO]: [skNames] Loaded 0 nametag groups from yaml file at plugins/skNames/config.yml!
do you have skellett loaded?