SkMenus is a little skript api which lets you open custom chest guis and then simply set the slots inside them. You can set a slot to a specific item, with a custom name, lore (with multiple lines), and even make them execute player commands (when clicked), as well as close the gui, do nothing, or even wait a certain amount of time (in seconds).
This opens a chest view with the stated rows, with the title you specify to the provided player.Usage: openChest(player, rows, title)
command /trash:
openChest(player, 3, "&6&lTrash Can")
setSlot(player, 3, cauldron, "&6Trash Can", "&6Put items in to this gui||&6that you no longer want.||||&6Then click close.", "nothing")
setSlot(player, 5, barrier, "&cClose", "&cI will close this gui.", "close")
This sets the defined slot of the player's open inventory to the item you specify, with the defined name, lore, and commands. Lores can have multiple lines, you just have to split them with '||' The commands are executed from the player, these are all normal commands, except for some special ones which are on skMenus side for additional features, those can be seen here.setSlot(player, slot, item, name of item, lore, commands)
- nothing, makes the item do nothing, same as making it unstealable
- wait:seconds, adds in a delay before executing the next command, usage example: wait:10 that will make it wait 10 seconds
- close, closes the gui