SKItemCreator V2 ⭐ - 1.21.3 - ⛏ Create your own items!

Script SKItemCreator V2 ⭐ - 1.21.3 - ⛏ Create your own items! 1.3.1

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Active Member
Jul 16, 2017
Palgia updated SKItemCreator V2 ⭐ - 1.21.3 - ⛏ Create your own items! with a new update entry:

Version 1.1

- Added **custom-damage** option for items.
- Added **custom-damage-display** option in config.yml.
- Added placeholder type **custom-damage**.

- Added **conditions** option in config.yml. Lets you create your own conditions! Learn more [here](
- Added **conditions** options for items.
- Added placeholder type condition.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I'm curious about how many errors you got when you first made this, lmao.