function getBalance(server: text, uuid: text) :: number:
set {_this} to bungeecord uuid of "%{_uuid}%"
set {_return} to network variable {balance.%{_server}%.%{_this}%}
if {_return} is not set:
set network variable {balance.%{_server}%.%{_this}%} to 0
return getBalance({_uuid})
return "%{_return}%" parsed as number
function setBalance(server: text, uuid: text, balance: number):
set {_this} to bungeecord uuid of "%{_uuid}%"
set network variable {balance.%{_server}%.%{_this}%} to {_balance}
function addbalance(server: text, uuid: text, add: number):
set {_balance} to getPoints("%{_uuid}%")
set {_this} to bungeecord uuid of "%{_uuid}%"
set network variable {balance.%{_server}%.%{_this}%} to {_add} + {_balance}
function removebalance(server: text, uuid: text, remove: number):
set {_balance} to getPoints("%{_uuid}%")
set {_this} to bungeecord uuid of "%{_uuid}%"
set network variable {balance.%{_server}%.%{_this}%} to {_balance} - {_remove}