Solved Skelett not centering message problem!

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Feb 1, 2017
Okay, So i have an announcement script, and i used the Skelett center feature to make it centered.

message centered "&c%arg-2%" to all players

And i have another script which does the same thing but globally announces the message.

skellettcord message coloured "&c%arg-2%" to all bungeecord players

How do i make the second Script centered like the first one?
Both of them use Skelett. Using Skript dev 25, Spigot 1.8.8, Bungeecord 1.11 (Latest)
Perhaps assign a variable to centered argument 2 and messaging that variable to the entire bungee cord? I don't know if you can assign a variable to a centered text, but it's worth a shot.

Also sorry I can't be of more help right now, 1 am here and I need to get up early.
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Perhaps assign a variable to centered argument 2 and messaging that variable to the entire bungee cord? I don't know if you can assign a variable to a centered text, but it's worth a shot.

Also sorry I can't be of more help right now, 1 am here and I need to get up early.
How do i do that?
Use the evaluate effect:
evaluate "message centered ""&c%arg-2%"" to all players" on bungeecord server "ServerName"
Use the evaluate effect:
evaluate "message centered ""&c%arg-2%"" to all players" on bungeecord server "ServerName"
thank you soo much!
[doublepost=1493502095,1493499795][/doublepost]@YoshYz Update
"on bungeecord server "ServerName""
How do i make it so it does it on all servers? xD
loop all bungeecord server:
    evaluate "message centered ""&c%arg-2%"" to all players" on bungeecord server "%loop-value%"
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