SK | Server Controls

Script SK | Server Controls 1.9 (BETA RELEASE)

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Jun 3, 2017
NicholasTheCoder submitted a new resource:

SK | Server Controls - Easily reload, restart, and stop your server with a simple GUI!

Today, I give you a simple skript where you do the command /servercontrols and brings up a gui where you can restart or stop your server!

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This is basically useless as it is quicker to just use /restart, /stop and /reload instead of needing a gui just for it. Looks pretty but needs some genuinely useful features that don't take more time than the vanilla options.
What's the point of this "recompile"? Skripts are never compiled in the first place, and all it does is execute the reload command. Not to mention it says it reloads without errors without even actually seeing if there were any errors
It's basically an easier way of reloading the skript. If you do not modify the skript, there will be no errors. I am thinking about adding a message where it will say "RECOMPILE Recompiled with numerous errors!"
That update is 100% useless. You literally created two more useless commands to fill in lines... Why don't you actually create some useful content? What is the point of an entirely new command that just sends three messages then executes /sk reload Do something useful with this.
It's basically an easier way of reloading the skript. If you do not modify the skript, there will be no errors. I am thinking about adding a message where it will say "RECOMPILE Recompiled with numerous errors!"
Stop calling it 'recompile' lmao nothing is being recompiled.
I am about to update this and it will have NO Recompile.
NicholasTheCoder updated SK | Server Controls with a new update entry:

1.8 - Punishment System? | Recompile Removed

Punishment System

The first person ever to review this skript suggested I put in mute, reload, and ban. I only did reload because I was HORRIBLE at skripting a punishment system. So now, I'm adding a Punishment System!

So basically, you have to do /servercontrols [Player] [Reason]
If you just do /servercontrols, it will give you the original controls.

The Punishment system includes Warn, Mute, Ban. They are all FINAL.
They cannot be...

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Easily reload, restart, and stop your server with a simple GUI!

Gotta love this title. Doing it by command is actually 3x faster because you do not have to type the long command and click on the GUI.