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Where's the indentation???The code is exactly like this, I write sk reload test.sk but it gives the same error, I don't understand, is it possible that any plugin is blocking it? Or what am I doing wrong? I already keep it in server/plugins/skript/scripts
on join:
broadcast "The player %player% joined!"
Ask what?Well, can I ask one more question from your profile, something simple about the script
A tnt plugin sends me tnt with the /tnt 1 command. I want to add audio to it, that's all. How can I do this with script?
View attachment 9045
on join:
set join message to "&7%player% joined"
So how do I do this for the /tnt 1 command? I want to add sound to tntif you wanted to deletd the old %player% joined the game
Code:on join: set join message to "&7%player% joined"
So how do I do this for the /tnt 1 command? I want to add sound to tnt
command /tnt <integer>:
permission: server.whatever
spawn 1 tnt at location of player
add nbt from "{fuse:%arg-1%}" to last spawned entity #fuse is in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
play sound "entity.creeper.primed" at player #change the sound to whatever