Hi, I'm fairly new to Skripting and my code doesn't seem to work, I simply want a script that removes any Bedrock, Barriers, Command Blocks, Etc. Heres my messy code if you care to look through it.
if players has a structure void or barrier or bedrock:
wait 4 ticks
remove all structure voids from the player
remove all barriers from the player
remove all bedrock from the player
play sound "item.totem.use" with volume 10 to the player
message "&6You cannot use those items and thus they have been replaced with different items."
wait 4 ticks
remove all structure voids from the player
remove all barriers from the player
remove all bedrock from the player
play sound "item.totem.use" with volume 10 to the player
message "&6You cannot use those items and thus they have been replaced with different items."