SIGNSHOP [Economy]

Script SIGNSHOP [Economy] 1.1

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2017
YoshYz submitted a new resource:

SIGNSHOP [Economy] - Add/Remove Items - Buy/Sell Price - Sign - Economy Support


SignsShop (by YoshYz) is a script to create easly shop with signs in minecraft.
You can add & remove items into the shop items list , you can set the buy & sell price.
Players will be able to buy/sell the items just with a click on the sign.

What you need to work with signshop?
You just need Skript,Vault and an Economy plugin.

How this work?
You can add an item with /ss add [item]
You can set the buy/sell price with /ss set...

Read more about this resource...
You didn't say that it needs skUtilities for the yml stuff.
I know , but i don't need a really advanced sintax for what im using on this script. I keep using skQuery here , because i need yaml & format slot stuff.
I could use skUtilities and Tuske , but in this way im using 1 addon less.