Solved "Shoot" Particles?

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Jul 3, 2017
so basically im just looking for a way to "shoot" a particle and on impact it damages or explodes ect using skDragon

I am also looking for a way for particles to home in on players, so they can't run from it, and again on impact it damages or explodes ect also using skDragon
Try drawLine.
drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, center player, target location of target living entity, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
And for the explosion:
create a safe explosion of force 5 at {target.%player%}
loop all living entities in radius 4 around {target.%player%}:
damage loop-entity by 3
if target living entity is set:
    loop 10 times:
        drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, center player, target location of target living entity, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
        set {target.%player%} to location of target living entity
        wait 1.3 second
        create a safe explosion of force 5 at {target.%player%}
        loop all living entities in radius 4 around {target.%player%}:
            damage loop-entity by 3
if target block is set:
    loop 10 times:
        drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, center player, target location of target block, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
        set {target.%player%} to location of target block
        wait 1.3 second
        create a safe explosion of force 5 at {target.%player%}
        loop all living entities in radius 4 around {target.%player%}:
            damage loop-entity by 3
        loop 10 times:
            drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, center player, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 70, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
TYSM! for some reason when i click once it keeps shooting the particle 10 times xD

Edit: I fixed it
like 10 times after each other? or at the same time?
Try drawLine.
drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, center player, target location of target living entity, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
And for the explosion:
create a safe explosion of force 5 at {target.%player%}
loop all living entities in radius 4 around {target.%player%}:
damage loop-entity by 3
if target living entity is set:
    loop 10 times:
        drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, center player, target location of target living entity, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
        set {target.%player%} to location of target living entity
        wait 1.3 second
        create a safe explosion of force 5 at {target.%player%}
        loop all living entities in radius 4 around {target.%player%}:
            damage loop-entity by 3
if target block is set:
    loop 10 times:
        drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, center player, target location of target block, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
        set {target.%player%} to location of target block
        wait 1.3 second
        create a safe explosion of force 5 at {target.%player%}
        loop all living entities in radius 4 around {target.%player%}:
            damage loop-entity by 3
        loop 10 times:
            drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, center player, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode false, solid false, density 2, length 70, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1

will this work with the drawDot effect in skDragon? Just wondering because with the drawDot effect you can sort of have more control over the particles
So far i know, no.
But there are for sure things i don't know :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:
so basically im just looking for a way to "shoot" a particle and on impact it damages or explodes ect using skDragon

I am also looking for a way for particles to home in on players, so they can't run from it, and again on impact it damages or explodes ect also using skDragon
Using packets you can make the particle the whole projectile instead of them trailing the arrow, if you're interested
How can this be done
When someone shoots the special arrow, set a metadata value on it. Then, use mundosk packets to detect the spawn object packet and see if the entity being spawned has that metadata value, and if it does cancel the event.
When someone shoots the special arrow, set a metadata value on it. Then, use mundosk packets to detect the spawn object packet and see if the entity being spawned has that metadata value, and if it does cancel the event.
please can you show me an example xD i just started script last week
please can you show me an example xD i just started script last week
No, because that wouldn't be an example. You can find all the things I explained in the docs, excluding the packet name which can be found by broadcasting packettypes and finding it in the list, or you can look for the packet on PacketWrapper. The packet tutorial in the tutorial section here could also help you out
No, because that wouldn't be an example. You can find all the things I explained in the docs, excluding the packet name which can be found by broadcasting packettypes and finding it in the list, or you can look for the packet on PacketWrapper. The packet tutorial in the tutorial section here could also help you out
Ok thank you :emoji_grinning:
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