Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.2-dev36
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.8.8
Full Code:
Note: If the code is too large, feel free to use a pasting website (Pastebin or hastebin)
Note: If a variable is being set in another script, but not shown, please explain how they are being set
Errors on Reload:
Console Errors: (if applicable)
Other Useful Info:
Addons using (including versions):
N/A (this was added in Skript 1.4)
Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? Yes
What other methods have you tried to fix it? Tried different variants of the shoot arrow thing, but they all didnt work.
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.8.8
Full Code:
Note: If the code is too large, feel free to use a pasting website (Pastebin or hastebin)
Note: If a variable is being set in another script, but not shown, please explain how they are being set
function trap5(p: player):
shoot an arrow from -19,14,-45 at speed 4.5
wait 5 ticks
shoot arrow from -19,14,-46 at speed 4.5
wait 5 ticks
shoot arrow from -19,14,-47 at speed 4.5
wait 5 ticks
shoot arrow from -19,14,-48 at speed 4.5
wait 5 ticks
shoot arrow from -19,14,-49 at speed 4.5
wait 5 ticks
shoot arrow from -19,14,-50 at speed 4.5
wait 5 ticks
shoot arrow from -19,14,-51 at speed 4.5
wait 5 ticks
Errors on Reload:
Console Errors: (if applicable)
Other Useful Info:
Addons using (including versions):
N/A (this was added in Skript 1.4)
Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? Yes
What other methods have you tried to fix it? Tried different variants of the shoot arrow thing, but they all didnt work.