Shield blocking with stick

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New Member
Jan 18, 2024
my english is not that good but im going to try to explain what i want to do.

I want to make a script like when you hit a player with a stick while the player is
shielding it deactivates his shield

here is a link as a demonstration:

I tried to do it but it doesn't work
on damage with stick:
  if victim is blocking:
    set {_item} to victim's off hand tool
    set the off hand item of victim to air
    wait 1 tick
    set the off hand item of victim to {_item}
    set item cooldown of shield for victim to 5 seconds

doesnt remove the durability but should still work

on damage with stick:
  if victim is blocking:
    set {_item} to victim's off hand tool
    set the off hand item of victim to air
    wait 1 tick
    set the off hand item of victim to {_item}
    set item cooldown of shield for victim to 5 seconds

doesnt remove the durability but should still work
fixed, but i changed a bit of the code and i want to make that the attacker has a countdown too like he has to wait 10 seconds before attacking again