Solved Setting the number in item's lore as a variable

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Jul 18, 2022
Hey everyone! I need your help about two problems. I am trying to make a money bag skript. Basically, when player right clicks with a book, I want an inventory to open with the number of gold nuggets according to the item's lore. Check the code you will get what I mean.

on right click with book named "Money Bag":
    If the 1st line of the lore of the player's tool is "Total Amount: %number%":
        open chest inventory with 3 rows named "Money Bag" to player
        put %number% of gold nuggets into player's inventory
on inventory close:
    if name of event-inventory is "Money Bag":
        set {_money} to amount of gold nuggets in event-inventory
        set player's tool to book named "Money Bag" with lore "Total Amount: %number%"
on inventory click:
    if name of event-inventory is "Money Bag":
        if event-item is not gold nugget:
            cancel event

My first problem is how can I use the number in item's lore as variable? Or is there another way to do it?

And my second problem is how can I write 4. line? Obviously my example won't work. It is just to show you what I mean
Thanks in advance!
go in the skunity help 2 channel and send your formatted code, I'm busy helping people there
You might be able to use this code:

set {_lore::*} to lore of player's tool split at "Total Amount: "
then the amount of gold would be stored in {_lore::2}
You might be able to use this code:

set {_lore::*} to lore of player's tool split at "Total Amount: "
then the amount of gold would be stored in {_lore::2}

I'm afraid it didn't work. The error is:

{_lore::*} can't be set to 'lore of player's tool split at "Total Amount: "' because the latter is not an object
I'm afraid it didn't work. The error is:

{_lore::*} can't be set to 'lore of player's tool split at "Total Amount: "' because the latter is not an object
How about
set {_lore::*} to split line 1 of lore of item at "Total Amount: "
How about
set {_lore::*} to split line 1 of lore of item at "Total Amount: "
The code worked but now I can't use it as a variable. For example I tried this line just to see if it will work:

give player {_lore::*} of gold nuggets

And it didn't work.
The code worked but now I can't use it as a variable. For example I tried this line just to see if it will work:

give player {_lore::*} of gold nuggets

And it didn't work.
Use {_lore::2} when giving the player the gold