Set player's reach to 4 if they wait 2x the attack cooldown

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Jul 30, 2022
on left click:
    execute console command "/reach player %player% 3"
    clear {timer}
    set {timer} to 0
    set {atkspd} to player's attack speed final attribute
    set {chargetimer} to 2*(20/{atkspd})
    loop {chargetimer} times:
        add 1 to {timer}
        send "%{timer}%"
        wait 1 tick
    if {timer} >= {chargetimer}:
        execute console command "/reach player %player% 4"
        send "yes"

This is the code I currently have right now, however the final if statement still triggers even if I don't wait the full 2x and is very inconsistent. Could someone please help?
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on left click:
    execute console command "/reach player %player% 3"
    clear {timer}
    set {timer} to 0
    set {atkspd} to player's attack speed final attribute
    set {chargetimer} to 2*(20/{atkspd})
    loop {chargetimer} times:
        add 1 to {timer}
        send "%{timer}%"
        wait 1 tick
    if {timer} >= {chargetimer}:
        execute console command "/reach player %player% 4"
        send "yes"

This is the code I currently have right now, however the final if statement still triggers even if I don't wait the full 2x and is very inconsistent. Could someone please help?

What does the /reach command do, and what is {atkspd} set to?
What does the /reach command do, and what is {atkspd} set to?
/reach modifys the distance a player can attack another from in blocks, with the default being 3 blocks. {atkspd} is set to the attack speed attribute of a player after modification, so basically it gets the attack speed of their held weapon. This is used to determine how long the attack cooldown is and multiply it by 2, which is the operation applied to {chargetimer}
Your code will definitely not work if there are multiple players due to the variables. Try using local variables or else lists with each player.

I'm not sure if this will work but you can give it a try.

on left click:
    execute console command "/reach player %player% 3"
    clear {timer::%player's uuid%}
    set {_atkspd} to player's attack speed final attribute
    set {_chargetimer} to 2*(20/{_atkspd})
    loop {_chargetimer} times:
        if {timer::%player's uuid%} is not set:
        add 1 to {timer::%player's uuid%}
        send "%{_timer}%"
        wait 1 tick
    if {timer::%player's uuid%} >= {_chargetimer}:
        execute console command "/reach player %player% 4"
        send "yes"
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