set breakable blocks of item

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Nov 15, 2023
Hello, i was trying to create a adventure mining server but im trying to give a starter item when joined for the first time, but when i test it, it says "Can't understand this condition/effect: set breakable blocks of {_item} to oak log"

on join:
if {joined::%player%} doesn't exist:
set {joined::%player%} to true
set {_item} to stick
set breakable blocks of {_item} to oak log
give {_item} to player
Hey, i dont really understand the point of this, can you describe little bit better please?
Hello, i was trying to create a adventure mining server but im trying to give a starter item when joined for the first time, but when i test it, it says "Can't understand this condition/effect: set breakable blocks of {_item} to oak log"

on join:
if {joined::%player%} doesn't exist:
set {joined::%player%} to true
set {_item} to stick
set breakable blocks of {_item} to oak log
give {_item} to player
Not sure why you’d even need to code this. Vanilla items allow you to modify their NBT by using a command. That being said, there’s a NBT modifier for ‘On Break’ which can achieve the effect you want without using Skript.
Are you are trying to make blocks breakable with specific items? So like you can only mine oak logs with a stick or higher?

If so:
on leftclick on oak log:
if player is not holding (a?) stick:
cancel event
send "You need a stick to mine this!" to player

And if you want to make items above a stick mine it:

on load:
if player is holding (a?) stick:
set {mine.level} to 3

on leftclick on oak log:
if {mine.level} is < 3:
cancel event
send "You need a stick to mine this!" to player
Then you could repeat this with other items

I don't fully know if this works so tell me the errors