Solved Server crashes when I reload

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Skript Version: 2.4
Minecraft Version: 1.15.2

So I've been trying to make a skript which tests for lore within every slot of their hotbar and their chest. But for some reason when I reload the skript my server will crash.

Script Code :
Crash Report :
Crash Logs :

Reply to this thread if you have a suggestion/idea/solution,

This purely just happens because u ask for alot of resource heavy calls. This code is way to inefficiënt can u briefly explain what u want it to do?
This purely just happens because u ask for alot of resource heavy calls. This code is way to inefficiënt can u briefly explain what u want it to do?
Ok so basically there's a lore in all weapons/armor. (Rating » [number]) I'm trying to make it so it finds the highest rated item in the players hotbar and adds that rating with the rating of the player's chestplate.

I believe this system will work but I do agree it is really heavy
Ok so basically there's a lore in all weapons/armor. (Rating » [number]) I'm trying to make it so it finds the highest rated item in the players hotbar and adds that rating with the rating of the player's chestplate.

I believe this system will work but I do agree it is really heavy
function getRating(p: player) :: number:
    set {_i} to 0
    set {_c} to 0
    loop 10 times:
        if loop-number is not 10:
            set {_s} to slot (loop-number - 1) of {_p}
            set {_s} to {_p}'s chestplate
        if "%lore of {_s}%" contains "Rating":
            loop lore of {_s}:
                if loop-value-2 contains "Rating":
                    set {_l::*} to loop-value-2 split at "» &e"
                    if loop-number is not 10:
                        add {_l::2} parsed as a number to {_a::*}
                        set {_c} to {_l::2} parsed as a number
    set {_s} to size of {_a::*}
    if {_s} > 1:
        set {_a::*} to sorted {_a::*}
        set {_i} to {_a::%{_s}%}
        set {_i} to {_a::1}
    set {_i} to {_c} + {_i}
    return {_i}

command /getRating:
        set {_i} to getRating(player)
        send "%{_i}%"
function getRating(p: player) :: number:
    set {_i} to 0
    set {_c} to 0
    loop 10 times:
        if loop-number is not 10:
            set {_s} to slot (loop-number - 1) of {_p}
            set {_s} to {_p}'s chestplate
        if "%lore of {_s}%" contains "Rating":
            loop lore of {_s}:
                if loop-value-2 contains "Rating":
                    set {_l::*} to loop-value-2 split at "» &e"
                    if loop-number is not 10:
                        add {_l::2} parsed as a number to {_a::*}
                        set {_c} to {_l::2} parsed as a number
    set {_s} to size of {_a::*}
    if {_s} > 1:
        set {_a::*} to sorted {_a::*}
        set {_i} to {_a::%{_s}%}
        set {_i} to {_a::1}
    set {_i} to {_c} + {_i}
    return {_i}

command /getRating:
        set {_i} to getRating(player)
        send "%{_i}%"

There's an error (btw I really appreciate this <3)
function getRating(p: player) :: number:
    set {_i} to 0
    set {_c} to 0
    loop 10 times:
        if loop-number is not 10:
            set {_s} to slot (loop-number - 1) of {_p}
            set {_s} to {_p}'s chestplate
        if lore of {_s} contains "Rating":
            set {_l::*} to lore of {_s} split at "||"
            loop {_l::*}:
                if loop-value-2 contains "Rating":
                    set {_l::*} to loop-value-2 split at "» &e"
                    if loop-number is not 10:
                        add {_l::2} parsed as a number to {_a::*}
                        set {_c} to {_l::2} parsed as a number
    set {_s} to size of {_a::*}
    if {_s} > 1:
        set {_a::*} to sorted {_a::*}
        set {_i} to {_a::%{_s}%}
        set {_i} to {_a::1}
    set {_i} to {_c} + {_i}
    return {_i}
command /getRating:
        set {_i} to getRating(player)
        send "%{_i}%"
function getRating(p: player) :: number:
    set {_i} to 0
    set {_c} to 0
    loop 10 times:
        if loop-number is not 10:
            set {_s} to slot (loop-number - 1) of {_p}
            set {_s} to {_p}'s chestplate
        if lore of {_s} contains "Rating":
            set {_l::*} to lore of {_s} split at "||"
            loop {_l::*}:
                if loop-value-2 contains "Rating":
                    set {_l::*} to loop-value-2 split at "» &e"
                    if loop-number is not 10:
                        add {_l::2} parsed as a number to {_a::*}
                        set {_c} to {_l::2} parsed as a number
    set {_s} to size of {_a::*}
    if {_s} > 1:
        set {_a::*} to sorted {_a::*}
        set {_i} to {_a::%{_s}%}
        set {_i} to {_a::1}
    set {_i} to {_c} + {_i}
    return {_i}
command /getRating:
        set {_i} to getRating(player)
        send "%{_i}%"

Awesome, works like a charm.
Thanks man <3
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