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Script Server Core (Edit messages in the source) 1.4

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Feb 18, 2017
camnooten submitted a new resource:

Server Core (Edit messages in the source) - If you are a server owner that doesn't want essentials, here is an alternitive.

Hello! I was really bored, so I coded this in Skript. You can edit any of the messages in the source code.

/gamemode (/gmc, /gms, /gamemode c, /gamemode s)
/silence (enable/disable)
/msg (/m, /w, /message)
/toggledownfall (Edited command)
/give (/i, /g, /item)
/vanish (enable/disable)
/speed (/so to disable)
Join messages
Quit messages
Death messages

Dependencies: ...

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Please use list variables instead of a variable for every player:

{mute.%player%} is what you use. Change it to: {mute::%player%} or have all player based variables under {yourscript::%player%::*}
Please use list variables instead of a variable for every player:

{mute.%player%} is what you use. Change it to: {mute::%player%} or have all player based variables under {yourscript::%player%::*}
Thank you, I will add this in the next update. I appreciate your feedback, means alot. When I add this, I will make sure to credit you in the changelog.
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Reactions: ThinkingAboutIt
camnooten updated Server Core (Edit messages in the source) with a new update entry:

Update 1.1 - Added new commands and fixed stuff


Update 1.1
  • Added /heal
  • Added /fly (enable/disable)
  • Made mute better (Thanks to ThinkingAboutIt)
  • Added /tphere
  • Removed unwanted things
  • Fixed alot of permissions
P.S: I now have a GitHub! Click Here to visit.

Read the rest of this update entry...