Solved send message to another player

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Jun 29, 2017
Hey all, just a simple one hopefully...

So i am just wondering how i would send a message to another player, not the player that executed the command...

this is what i have so far but cant seem to send the message to arg 1 on line 17

no errors when loading skript.

command /sellblocks [<player>] [<text>] [<text>] :
    usage: /sellblocks <text> <text> <text>
    description: sell claim blocks to players.
    permission: sell.blocks
    permission message: &a&lCactus&f&lAdmin &8> &aNice try!
        set {_buyer} to arg-1
        set {_blocks} to arg-2
        set {_price} to arg-3
        set {_player} to player
        wait 1 ticks
        if arg-3 is set:
            open virtual chest inventory with 1 rows named "&e&lConfirm &e&lyour &e&lsale!" to player
            create a gui slot 0 of player with Light Blue Stained Glass Pane named "&f" to do nothing
            create a gui slot 1 of player with Light Blue Stained Glass Pane named "&f" to do nothing
            create a gui slot 2 of player with light green wool named "&a&lConfirm" with lore "&7||&7Blocks: &e%{_blocks}%||&7Price: &2$&f%{_price}%||&7Buyer: &b%{_buyer}%||&7" to close:
                send "&ethis is a test message." to arg-1
                send "&eYour sale proposal has been sent to &b%{_buyer}%&e."
            create a gui slot 3 of player with Light Blue Stained Glass Pane named "&f" to do nothing
            create a gui slot 4 of player with Light Blue Stained Glass Pane named "&f" to do nothing
            create a gui slot 5 of player with Light Blue Stained Glass Pane named "&f" to do nothing
            create a gui slot 6 of player with red wool named "&c&lCancel" with lore "&7Close the gui." to close:
                send "&eYour sale has been closed %{_player}%."
            create a gui slot 7 of player with Light Blue Stained Glass Pane named "&f" to do nothing
            create a gui slot 8 of player with Light Blue Stained Glass Pane named "&f" to do nothing
in tuske advanced guis you cant reference the args so just set the player arg to a local variable and use that
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