Send function

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New Member
Mar 20, 2017
Hello, i made a translate system for my skript, and i want to send a function in a message :

the function :
function Translate(p: player, msg-fr: text, msg-en: text) :: text:
    return "%colored {_msg-%{language.%{_p}%}%}%"

I have this (its work !)
open virtual chest inventory with size 4 named "%Translate({_p}, ""{@gui_prefix} &7» &fBuches pleines"", ""{@gui_prefix} &7» &fLogs"")%" to {_p}
This line work, and return the good translate for name of gui !

But when i want some variables in the text (so add %%) it doesnt work :
exemple :
set slot 27 of current inventory of {_p} to sign named "&6&lINFORMATIONS" with lore "%Translate({_p}, ""||&7Couche selectionée &8&l» &f&o%{btl.snow-layer.status.%{_p}%}%"", ""&7Selected Layer &8&l» &f&o%{btl.snow-layer.status.%{_p}%}%"")%"
What exactly doesn't work... is it what it returns or does the function not trigger?

Try removing the || after Translate({_p}. But, I'm not sure what exactly your issue is, so please be more specific on which part doesn't work.
Is it the return of text with variable does not work,
when i make only text, it work perfectly (example 1) but i can add a variable (example 2),
i think its a problem with % sign but im not sure

(i remove ||, and don't change anything :/)
The issue is you can't use variables in escaped strings for whatever reason. For doing such a thing you would need to set it on another line. In this case you don't need to put it in a string because the function already returns one so you can just do it in one line
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