Solved Scoreboard Skript

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May 23, 2020
Hey would anyone be able to make me a skript for a scoreboard for the top 10 people with most kills

Would greatly appreciate it, I have no clue how to skript been searching everywhere couldn't find one

I would like it too look like this

Kills: <whateverkillsplayerhas>

Rank: <whatrankplayeris>

Money: <playersbalance>
Hey, Yts! I can make you a scoreboard skript. All you need to get is a plugin called skRayFall, and I'll send it to you when I'm done. :emoji_slight_smile:
I would recommend you use the addon SkOre. It's one of, if not, the best scoreboard addons for Skript.
Hey would anyone be able to make me a skript for a scoreboard for the top 10 people with most kills

Would greatly appreciate it, I have no clue how to skript been searching everywhere couldn't find one

I would like it too look like this

Kills: <whateverkillsplayerhas>

Rank: <whatrankplayeris>

Money: <playersbalance>

Here's a start, as for the balance it would vary between if you're making a custom balance system or an existing plugin such as Vault, and for the kills and rank it would be variables. Don't wanna spoon feed you too much as the docs on this website have all the information you could need! Although if @WhiteWolf wants to do that for you then I'm sure that'll be just as good.

every 2 second:
    loop all players:
        wipe loop-player's sidebar
        set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lGOLDEN PVP"
        set score "&r  &8&m--------" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
        set score "&1" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
        set score " &4Kills > &a<KILLSTREAK>" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
        set score "&2" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
        set score " &4Rank > &a<RANK>" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
        set score "&3" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
        set score " &4Money > &a<BALANCE>" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
        set score "  &8&m--------" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
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@iParis Hey thanks alot man gonna try this now what you sent, Whitewolf made a script for me it didn't work he told me hed fix it and never got around to doing so just kind of ina hurry dont wanna sound lick a dick so just came back to the post
Give the man a chance to fix it and bare in mind you've just joined I aren't going to make a full skript for you unfortunately
@iParis I am man theres a problem with the money when u buy something or get money the scoreboard adds a new line for money and adds and adds, I asked if he knew how to fix it he doesn't sadly and he wants to script a shop gui and stuff but Im just trying to stick with sign shops so I want the scoreboard fixed man
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