Category: Scoreboards / Sidebars
Suggested name: doesn't matter.
Spigot/Skript Version:
What I want:
so i have an OP prisons server, and i want a scoreboard for it. i searched on here & found some older requests with scoreboard skripts, tho i couldn't really get them to work, i always met some random issues which i couldn't really fix, so i'm kindly asking if anyone can get me this skript.
What i basically want it to do, is, Show a scoreboard with 9 lines(+title)
title would be "titletext" so i can edit it later to whatever i want.
line 9 = "&dTokens: &3 %{Tokens.%player's uuid%}%"
line 8 = "" # blank
line 7 = "&cLevel tokens: &3%{LTokens.%player's uuid%}%"
line 6 = "" # blank
line 5 = "&5Blocks mined: &3{Mined.%player's uuid%}%"
line 4 = "" # blank
line 3 = "&eLevel: &3%{Level.%player's uuid%}%"
line 2 = "" # blank
line 1 = "&6Rebirth: &3%{Rebirth.%player's uuid%}%"
the scoreboard should normally update every 30 ticks (1.5 seconds)
Ideas for commands:
n o n e
Ideas for permissions:
n o n e
When I'd like it by: doesn't really matter.
Suggested name: doesn't matter.
Spigot/Skript Version:
What I want:
so i have an OP prisons server, and i want a scoreboard for it. i searched on here & found some older requests with scoreboard skripts, tho i couldn't really get them to work, i always met some random issues which i couldn't really fix, so i'm kindly asking if anyone can get me this skript.
What i basically want it to do, is, Show a scoreboard with 9 lines(+title)
title would be "titletext" so i can edit it later to whatever i want.
line 9 = "&dTokens: &3 %{Tokens.%player's uuid%}%"
line 8 = "" # blank
line 7 = "&cLevel tokens: &3%{LTokens.%player's uuid%}%"
line 6 = "" # blank
line 5 = "&5Blocks mined: &3{Mined.%player's uuid%}%"
line 4 = "" # blank
line 3 = "&eLevel: &3%{Level.%player's uuid%}%"
line 2 = "" # blank
line 1 = "&6Rebirth: &3%{Rebirth.%player's uuid%}%"
the scoreboard should normally update every 30 ticks (1.5 seconds)
Ideas for commands:
n o n e
Ideas for permissions:
n o n e
When I'd like it by: doesn't really matter.