View attachment 4970 is a simple cutscene creation tool that gives you basic options to create great-looking cutscenes on your server. You can easily implement cutscenes you have made into other scripts in just 1 line! The script is currently limited to 8 different camera shots! This script can also cause lag!
Learn how to create simple cutscenes using the video below!
If you want to play a cutscene on an event, you can use the line below to do so.
TOS is a simple cutscene creation tool that gives you basic options to create great-looking cutscenes on your server. You can easily implement cutscenes you have made into other scripts in just 1 line! The script is currently limited to 8 different camera shots! This script can also cause lag!
- Create Simple Cutscenes
- Implement Cutscenes Easily
- Different Camera Angles
- 8 Different Animation Numbers
Learn how to create simple cutscenes using the video below!
- skript-logs (Optional) (Many errors will show up without this addon!)
- Skript (The Lastest Version is Recommended!)
If you want to play a cutscene on an event, you can use the line below to do so.
if {logLoc::%player%} is not set:
startScene("Scene Name", player)
on region enter:
if "%region%" contains "Region Name":
if {logLoc::%player%} is not set:
startScene("test", player)
play sound "ui.toast.challenge_complete" with volume .7 with pitch 1 at player's location for player
send title "&b&lDiscovery!" with subtitle "&7You discovered a location!" to player for 7 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
- Do not sell this skript!
- Do not redistribute this skript!
- Do not take credit for the creation of this skript!
- Do not put bugs, crashes, or changes you would make in the reviews. Please contact me instead!