Saving Player Information

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Active Member
Aug 18, 2017
Hi all, I'm currently trying to save player information such as their experience in different categories (fire, earth, etc) but I feel as though my current method is inefficient.
Is there a more efficient way of saving this type of information?
Hi all, I'm currently trying to save player information such as their experience in different categories (fire, earth, etc) but I feel as though my current method is inefficient.
Is there a more efficient way of saving this type of information?
Seems alright, but I would suggest using list variables, ex:
set {savedInfo::%player%::fireXP} to 10
set {savedInfo::%player%::earthXP} to 20
this way, you can easily clear the players saved info if need be, like:
delete {savedInfo::%player%:*}
and it will delete all of the player's saved info
Seems alright, but I would suggest using list variables, ex:
set {savedInfo::%player%::fireXP} to 10
set {savedInfo::%player%::earthXP} to 20
this way, you can easily clear the players saved info if need be, like:
delete {savedInfo::%player%:*}
and it will delete all of the player's saved info
Great thanks! One question, why do you use a double colon between savedInfo and %player% instead of a period?
Great thanks! One question, why do you use a double colon between savedInfo and %player% instead of a period?
the double colon indicates a list variable, these are preferred over regular variables for various reasons, including quick deletion of entires lists, as well as looping.
the double colon indicates a list variable, these are preferred over regular variables for various reasons, including quick deletion of entires lists, as well as looping.
Wouldn't the double colon between %player% and fireXP be sufficient? Or should every period become a double colon?
Wouldn't the double colon between %player% and fireXP be sufficient? Or should every period become a double colon?
Do whatever you want. I told you why I use double colons throughout, but if you want to use a period, and restrict yourself with how you can use your variables down the road thats up to you!
Do whatever you want. I told you why I use double colons throughout, but if you want to use a period, and restrict yourself with how you can use your variables down the road thats up to you!
Sorry if I came out hostile, that wasn't my intention at all. I just noticed it seemed to still define as a list variable with only a double colon at the end and found a period for myself more readable. Thank you for the help.
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