Saving Items with NBT (1.7.10)

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Jan 26, 2020
on death of player:
    if {souls.%player%} is greater than 3:
        send "&e&lMandalorian MC &8» &fOnly the middle part of your inventory dropped because you have &e%{souls.%player%}%x &fsouls." to victim
        set {_templocation::%victim%} to the block below the victim
        set block above {_templocation::%victim%} to chest named "&8Player » &f%victim%"
        set block 2 above {_templocation::%victim%} to red carpet
        add the victim's skull to the inventory of the block above {_templocation::%victim%}
        loop numbers from 9 to 35:
            add the victim's slot loop-number with the item's nbt to the inventory of the block above {_templocation::%victim%}
            set slot loop-number of player's inventory to air

How could I add the NBT data information from SkStuff to the items in the chest?
on death of player:
    if {souls.%player%} is greater than 3:
        send "&e&lMandalorian MC &8» &fOnly the middle part of your inventory dropped because you have &e%{souls.%player%}%x &fsouls." to victim
        set {_templocation::%victim%} to the block below the victim
        set block above {_templocation::%victim%} to chest named "&8Player » &f%victim%"
        set block 2 above {_templocation::%victim%} to red carpet
        add the victim's skull to the inventory of the block above {_templocation::%victim%}
        loop numbers from 9 to 35:
            add the victim's slot loop-number with the item's nbt to the inventory of the block above {_templocation::%victim%}
            set slot loop-number of player's inventory to air

How could I add the NBT data information from SkStuff to the items in the chest?
so far i f changed code a little bit but i'm getting other error :emoji_unamused:
on death of player:
    if {souls.%player%} is greater than 3:
        send "&e&lMandalorian MC &8» &fOnly the middle part of your inventory dropped because you have &e%{souls.%player%}%x &fsouls." to victim
        set {_templocation::%victim%} to the block below the victim
        set block above {_templocation::%victim%} to chest named "&8Player » &f%victim%"
        set block 2 above {_templocation::%victim%} to red carpet
        add the victim's skull to the inventory of the block above {_templocation::%victim%}
        set {random} to a random integer between 9 and 35
        loop {random} times:
            add {random} of the victim's slot with the item's nbt of the inventory to the block above {_templocation::%victim%}
            set slot {random} of player's inventory to air
ERROR : '{random} of the victim's slot with the item's nbt of the inventory' can't be added to a block because the former is neither an item type nor an inventory (, line 10: add {random} of the victim's slot with the item's nbt of the inventory to the block above {_templocation::%victim%}')
I’m not sure why you would use a random value, my code works with no errors, but when it puts the items inside of the death chest they lose their damage values, nbt data, and whatever else. I have skStuff, but I don’t actually know how to use it and the documentation is very brief.
loop numbers from 9 to 35:
edit: thats why
Yes, I’m selecting the inventory slots 9-35 so I looped them and each one sets the item inside of the death chest created. I’m not sure if there’s a way to grab nbt with skStuff though.
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