Saving Blocks

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Active Member
Nov 30, 2017
im trying to make skript which will save blocks somewhere and then i can recover it.. its works good.. i made it.. but its saving to variables and there is 1000000 blocks and thats 1000000 variables and skript cant work.. (variables file has 4GB).. so.. where i should save that blocks? i tried to save it to some file but it took very long time to write and server has error "Server stop responding" or "Time out" i dont know how to make it.. i need it for minigames to reseting worlds and areas..
my code:
function BlockSave(game: text, pos1: location, pos2: location):
    set {_blocks} to 0
    delete file "plugins\\BlockSaver\\%{_game}%.txt"
    wait 1 tick
    create file "plugins\\BlockSaver\\%{_game}%.txt"
    loop blocks within {_pos1} and {_pos2}:
        add 1 to {_blocks}
        write "%loop-block%" at line {_blocks} to file "plugins\\BlockSaver\\%{_game}%.txt"
        broadcast "q"
        wait 1 tick
    broadcast "c"
    loop all players:
        if name of loop-player is "MataxePlay":
            send "&8[&cBlockSaver&8] &e%{_blocks}% &bblocks has been saved to &e""plugins\\BlockSaver\\%{_game}%.txt""&b!" to loop-player
function BlockLoad(game: text, pos1: location, pos2: location):
    set {_blocks} to 0
    loop blocks within {_pos1} and {_pos2}:
        add 1 to {_blocks}
        set {_text} to file "plugins\\BlockSaver\\%{_game}%.txt"'s line {_blocks}
        set loop-block to {_text}
    loop all players:
        if name of loop-player is "MataxePlay":
            send "&8[&cBlockSaver&8] &e%{_blocks}% &bblocks has been restored from &e""plugins\\BlockSaver\\%{_game}%.txt""&b!" to loop-player
hmm.. good idea but i am never before using schematics and if i may be honest i havent known that WG supports schematics
ohhh.. i can do it directly from skript without executing commans? it perfect! Ok ill try it later because im doing another minigame in this time... (which not contains changing map)
[doublepost=1526751071,1526750994][/doublepost]@TPGamesNL nevermind.. im need it to work.. it can be for citizens.. but it must work.. and then its OK :emoji_grinning:
@ShaneBee that's all for WorldEdit, not WorldGuard
oh god stupid me, haha! Im not sure why i said world guard...
yeah, world edit :emoji_slight_smile: Thanks. I guess because the two are basically used together i get them mixed up

ohhh.. i can do it directly from skript without executing commans? it perfect! Ok ill try it later because im doing another minigame in this time... (which not contains changing map)
[doublepost=1526751071,1526750994][/doublepost]@TPGamesNL nevermind.. im need it to work.. it can be for citizens.. but it must work.. and then its OK :emoji_grinning:
Yeah.. you can do it all within script, its pretty awesome.
i think the only thing I did in game was select the region i wanted to save, and saved the schematic, the rest was done using my skript.
Im sure you can save a WE region using skript, i just didn't do it that way, because i basically had to be in game to see the boundaries anyways.
yes.. and may be good because i can make game region in skript and it would be used for game(death line) but to WE too.. ok.. its amazing.. thanks
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