Salary & AFK system

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Mar 12, 2023
Category: Skript

Suggested name: AFK - Salary system

Spigot/Skript Version: Newest 1.19.3

What I want:
I'm looking to create a system where every player who is not AFK receives 5$.
This is what I have come up with so far for the salary system without the AFK feature.

on join:
    set join message to "{@JoinMessage}"
    wait 15 minutes
    while player is online:
        add 5 to player's balance
        send "&6&lYou have just received 5 points."
        wait 15 minutes

And this is something I got from a different forum to mix it in with possibly.
    afktime: 600 # how many seconds a player has to be afk before the skript runs.

command /afk:
        if {afk::%player%} is not set:
            set {afk::%player%} to true
            broadcast "&4&lServername>> &c%player% Is Now &4&lAFK"
            send title "&4&LYou are AFK!" with subtitle "&cMove in any direction." to player for {@afktime} seconds
            play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player
            set {_loc} to location of player
            while {afk::%player%} is set:
                wait 1 second
                if location of player != {_loc}:
                    delete {afk::%player%}
                    broadcast "&4&lServername>> &c%player% Is No Longer &4&lAFK"
                    send title "&4&LYou are no longer AFK!" to player for 2 seconds
                    play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player

on chat:
    if {afk::%player%} is not set:
    else if {afk::%player%} is set:
        delete {afk::%player%}
        broadcast "&4&lServerName>> &c%player% Is No Longer &4&lAFK"
        send title "&4&LYou are no longer AFK!" to player for 2 seconds
        play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player
on any move:
    if {afk::%player%} is set:
        delete {afk::%player%}

        send title "&4&LYou are no longer AFK!" to player for 2 seconds
        play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player
every second:
    set {_loc} to location of player
    if location of player != {_loc}:
        set {afktime::%player%} to 0
        delete {afk::%player%}
        broadcast "&4&lServername>> &c%player% Is No Longer &4&lAFK"
        send title "&4&LYou are no longer AFK!" to player for 2 seconds
        play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player
    if location of player = {_loc}:
        add 1 to {afktime::%player%}
    if {afktime::%player%} = {@afktime}:
        set {afk::%player%} to true
        broadcast "&4&lServername>> &c%player% Is Now &4&lAFK"
        send title "&4&LYou are AFK!" with subtitle "&cMove in any direction." to player for {@afktime} seconds
        play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player
        delete {afktime::%player%}

Ideas for commands: /afk

Ideas for permissions: core.afk

When I'd like it by: A reasonable time