Suggested name: RotatingArmorStand (idk, lol)
What I want:
I want a Hypixel's rotating armorstand which is using in their games (like bedwars).
Ideas for commands: <none>
Ideas for permissions: <none>
When I'd like it by: < 2 weeks
P. S. It' isnt works, but I tried.
[doublepost=1498117781,1497112163][/doublepost]UP, some one, please.
What I want:
I want a Hypixel's rotating armorstand which is using in their games (like bedwars).
Ideas for commands: <none>
Ideas for permissions: <none>
When I'd like it by: < 2 weeks
P. S. It' isnt works, but I tried.
command /z <text>: # block type, maybe
spawn an armor stand at player
set {_} to 0
loop 100 times:
add "{Invisible:1b,Invulnerable:1b,NoBasePlate:1b,NoGravity:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:""%arg-1%"",Count:1b}],Pose:{Head:[0f,%{_}%f,0f]}}" to nbt of spawned entity
add 1 to {_}
wait 4 ticks