Solved Rotating ArmorStand

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Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
Perm, Russia
Suggested name: RotatingArmorStand (idk, lol)

What I want:
I want a Hypixel's rotating armorstand which is using in their games (like bedwars).

Ideas for commands: <none>

Ideas for permissions: <none>

When I'd like it by: < 2 weeks

P. S. It' isnt works, but I tried.
command /z <text>: # block type, maybe
        spawn an armor stand at player
        set {_} to 0
        loop 100 times:
            add "{Invisible:1b,Invulnerable:1b,NoBasePlate:1b,NoGravity:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:""%arg-1%"",Count:1b}],Pose:{Head:[0f,%{_}%f,0f]}}" to nbt of spawned entity
            add 1 to {_}
            wait 4 ticks
[doublepost=1498117781,1497112163][/doublepost]UP, some one, please.
Untested, but here ya go.

every 1 second: 
    if {num} doesn't exist:
        set {num} to 90
        execute console command "/tp @e[type=Armorstand] ~ ~ ~ %{num}% ~"
    else if {num} isn't 360:
        if {reverse} isn't true:
            add 5 to {num}
            execute console command "/tp @e[type=Armorstand] ~ ~ ~ %{num}% ~"
        else if {reverse} is true:
            add -5 to {num}
            execute console command "/tp @e[type=Armorstand] ~ ~ ~ %{num}% ~"
    else if {num} is 360:
        set {reverse} to true
        execute console command "/tp @e[type=Armorstand] ~ ~ ~ %{num}% ~"
    else if {num} is -360:
        set {reverse} to false
        execute console command "/tp @e[type=Armorstand] ~ ~ ~ %{num}% ~"

Feel free to change 5 and -5 to how fast you want to rotate.

I would probably use 10, and -10 or 20, and -20.
Last edited by a moderator:
Untested, but here ya go.

every 1 second:
    if {num} doesn't exist:
        set {num} to 90
        execute console command "/tp @e[type=Armorstand] ~ ~ ~ %{num}% ~"
    else if {num} isn't 360:
        if {reverse} isn't true:
            add 5 to {num}
            execute console command "/tp @e[type=Armorstand] ~ ~ ~ %{num}% ~"
        else if {reverse} is true:
            add -5 to {num}
            execute console command "/tp @e[type=Armorstand] ~ ~ ~ %{num}% ~"
    else if {num} is 360:
        set {reverse} to true
        execute console command "/tp @e[type=Armorstand] ~ ~ ~ %{num}% ~"
    else if {num} is -360:
        set {reverse} to false
        execute console command "/tp @e[type=Armorstand] ~ ~ ~ %{num}% ~"

Feel free to change 5 and -5 to how fast you want to rotate.

I would probably use 10, and -10 or 20, and -20.
lol, {num} is always 90.
[doublepost=1498384076,1498383842][/doublepost]@Pikachu, maybe can u?
[doublepost=1498397000][/doublepost]Closed, and moved to private project.
lol, {num} is always 90.
[doublepost=1498384076,1498383842][/doublepost]@Pikachu, maybe can u?
[doublepost=1498397000][/doublepost]Closed, and moved to private project.

My bad, I didn't test it in game, but I hope you get the idea.