Solved Right-click shield

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May 13, 2018
can anyone make a skript that if a player right click using a sword, shield will comeout on off-hand
on rightclick holding a sword:
    if shield of player is empty:
        set shield of player to shield
    if shield of player is a shield:
        set shield of player to air
@ShaneBee how i will make it so that players cannot duplicate it ? plss ? and if i switch to another slot where there's no sword the shield will gone
Ok give this a try. (You will need skellett for the hotbar switching)
I have set it so if the player moves to another item in their hot bar, the shield will disappear
I have also set it so if the player opens their inventory and clicks on the shield it will stop them and close their inventory.

If a player has their own shield, they can freely use it anyway they wish

on rightclick holding a sword:
    if shield of player is empty:
        set shield of player to shields named "&aSHIELD"
    if shield of player is a shields named "&aSHIELD":
        set shield of player to air

on hotbar switch:
    if slot 40 of player is a shields named "&aSHIELD":
        set slot 40 of player to air

on inventory click:
    if clicked item is a shield named "&aSHIELD":
        cancel event
        wait 1 tick
        close player's inventory
@ShaneBee there's a problem, everytime i will hold the right-click... its just repeating what it doing, like its not blocking, its like block and let go, block and let go, but im holding the right-click
Ok, I changed it, so now the player needs to "SNEAK" to be able to release their shield
on rightclick holding a sword:
    if shield of player is empty:
        set shield of player to shields named "&aSHIELD"
    if player is sneaking:
        if shield of player is a shields named "&aSHIELD":
            set shield of player to air

on hotbar switch:
    if slot 40 of player is a shields named "&aSHIELD":
        set slot 40 of player to air

on inventory click:
    if clicked item is a shield named "&aSHIELD":
        cancel event
        wait 1 tick
        close player's inventory
Glad I could help :emoji_slight_smile: Also please make sure to click "BEST ANSWER" thanks :emoji_slight_smile: