Official Review: Example Images

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I'm Poppy
Staff member
skUnity Legend
Nov 27, 2016
Discord Username
Hi everyone,

An idea suggested by @Gatt was Example Images. Neither the original docs or Docs 2, have any image support. The images would most likely be done via external links as to not bog down the skUnity servers.

My personal stance on the idea is that it might be abused and not really used enough to seem helpful. I could add a way to click a button to go to an example site (YouTube, Imgur album etc), which might prove handier than supporting images directly in the docs.

IMO I like this idea. It could be useful to see the possible output of things.
Hi everyone,

An idea suggested by @Gatt was Example Images. Neither the original docs or Docs 2, have any image support. The images would most likely be done via external links as to not bog down the skUnity servers.

My personal stance on the idea is that it might be abused and not really used enough to seem helpful. I could add a way to click a button to go to an example site (YouTube, Imgur album etc), which might prove handier than supporting images directly in the docs.


Not a bad idea but i would use gifs instead of images
It would be cool for particle syntax like SkDragon, but for examples only.