Solved Replacing former blocks after an explode event

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Is it work with your coding ? Do you have errors with this skript ?
No i dont have any. I just want the former blocks to be replaced after an explode event. This codes replace grass block but i want former blocks instead.
set loop-block to event-block
[15:40:08 ERROR]: There's no block in an on explode event (, l
ine 102: set loop-block to event-block')

on explode:
    wait 10 seconds
    loop exploded blocks:
        wait 0.5 ticks
        set loop-block to event-block

It says.
set loop-block to exploded block
set loop-block to exploded block
[14:53:44 ERROR]: a block can't be set to 'exploded block' because the latter is
not an item type (, line 35: set loop-block to exploded block

on explode:
    loop exploded blocks:
        wait 0.5 ticks
        set loop-block to exploded block
on explode:
    loop exploded blocks:
        set {_boom::%location of loop-block%} to type of loop-block
    wait 10 seconds
    loop {_boom::*}:
        set block at loop-index to loop-value
on explode:
    loop exploded blocks:
        set {_boom::%location of loop-block%} to type of loop-block
    wait 10 seconds
    loop {_boom::*}:
        set block at loop-index to loop-value

[00:52:42 ERROR]: loop-index is not a location (, line 29: set
block at loop-index to loop-value')
I've found this script in my very old scripts folder. It may be useful, or not.
It basically saves the blocks you place and then regenerates at once or every x time. I did not edit it and I'm too lazy for that.

on skript load:
    clear {limpando}

on place:
    if {limpando} is set:
        cancel event
    if {colocado::%location of event-block%} is not set:
        add block at event-location to {blocosremover::*}
        set {loopr::%block at event-location%} to type of block at event-location
        set {colocado::%location of event-block%} to "%player%"
on break:
    if {limpando} is set:
        cancel event
    if event-block is not air:
        {colocado::%location of event-block%} is not set
        add block at event-location to {blocks::*}
        set {loop::%block at event-location%} to type of block at event-location
    if block above event-block is flower or potato plant or carrot plant or tall grass or melon or pumpkin or melon stem or pumpkin stem or gravel or sand or wheat:
        add location of block above event-block to {blocks::*}
        set {loop::%location of block above event-block%} to type of block above event-block
        set block above event-block to air
command /regenmapa:
    executable by: console
        if {limpando} is set:
            send "&9[ARG] &eO mapa já está sendo regenerado!"
        broadcast "&9[ARG] &eO mapa está sendo regenerado!"
        set {limpando} to true
        loop {blocks::*}:
            set block at loop-value to {loop::%loop-value%}
            play note sticks at loop-value with pitch 1
            wait 1 tick
        clear {blocks::*}
        loop {blocosremover::*}:
            if type of block at loop-value is {loopr::%loop-value%}:
                set block at loop-value to air
                wait 1 tick
        clear {colocado::*}
        clear {loop::*}
        broadcast "&9[ARG] &eArrumação do mapa completada!"
        clear {limpando}
command /regenmapa2:
        clear {limpando}
on explode:
    if {limpando} is set:
        cancel event
    loop exploded blocks:   
        if loop-block is not air:
            {colocado::%location of loop-block%} is not set
            add location of loop-block to {blocks::*}
            set {loop::%location of loop-block%} to type of block at location of loop-block
        if block above loop-block is flower or potato plant or carrot plant or tall grass or melon or pumpkin or melon stem or pumpkin stem or gravel or sand or wheat:
            add location of block above loop-block to {blocks::*}
            set {loop::%location of block above loop-block%} to type of block above loop-block
            set block above loop-block to air
on block physics:
    event-block is grass
    cancel event

I hope it becomes useful to you and good luck.
[00:52:42 ERROR]: loop-index is not a location (, line 29: set
block at loop-index to loop-value')
    loop exploded blocks:
        set {_boom::%location of loop-block%} to type of loop-block
    wait 10 seconds
    loop {_boom::*}:
        set block at ("%loop-index%" parsed as location) to loop-value

maybe this?
    loop exploded blocks:
        set {_boom::%location of loop-block%} to type of loop-block
    wait 10 seconds
    loop {_boom::*}:
        set block at ("%loop-index%" parsed as location) to loop-value

maybe this?

It didn't work :/

[ERROR]: text cannot be parsed as a location (, line 29: set
block at ("%loop-index%" parsed as location)')
I've found this script in my very old scripts folder. It may be useful, or not.
It basically saves the blocks you place and then regenerates at once or every x time. I did not edit it and I'm too lazy for that.

on skript load:
    clear {limpando}

on place:
    if {limpando} is set:
        cancel event
    if {colocado::%location of event-block%} is not set:
        add block at event-location to {blocosremover::*}
        set {loopr::%block at event-location%} to type of block at event-location
        set {colocado::%location of event-block%} to "%player%"
on break:
    if {limpando} is set:
        cancel event
    if event-block is not air:
        {colocado::%location of event-block%} is not set
        add block at event-location to {blocks::*}
        set {loop::%block at event-location%} to type of block at event-location
    if block above event-block is flower or potato plant or carrot plant or tall grass or melon or pumpkin or melon stem or pumpkin stem or gravel or sand or wheat:
        add location of block above event-block to {blocks::*}
        set {loop::%location of block above event-block%} to type of block above event-block
        set block above event-block to air
command /regenmapa:
    executable by: console
        if {limpando} is set:
            send "&9[ARG] &eO mapa já está sendo regenerado!"
        broadcast "&9[ARG] &eO mapa está sendo regenerado!"
        set {limpando} to true
        loop {blocks::*}:
            set block at loop-value to {loop::%loop-value%}
            play note sticks at loop-value with pitch 1
            wait 1 tick
        clear {blocks::*}
        loop {blocosremover::*}:
            if type of block at loop-value is {loopr::%loop-value%}:
                set block at loop-value to air
                wait 1 tick
        clear {colocado::*}
        clear {loop::*}
        broadcast "&9[ARG] &eArrumação do mapa completada!"
        clear {limpando}
command /regenmapa2:
        clear {limpando}
on explode:
    if {limpando} is set:
        cancel event
    loop exploded blocks: 
        if loop-block is not air:
            {colocado::%location of loop-block%} is not set
            add location of loop-block to {blocks::*}
            set {loop::%location of loop-block%} to type of block at location of loop-block
        if block above loop-block is flower or potato plant or carrot plant or tall grass or melon or pumpkin or melon stem or pumpkin stem or gravel or sand or wheat:
            add location of block above loop-block to {blocks::*}
            set {loop::%location of block above loop-block%} to type of block above loop-block
            set block above loop-block to air
on block physics:
    event-block is grass
    cancel event

I hope it becomes useful to you and good luck.

Please could you make it a bit organised? I really need this skript :/ I'm building a faction server and this will be good. If you do, I'll be apreciated :emoji_slight_smile:
It didn't work :/

[ERROR]: text cannot be parsed as a location (, line 29: set
block at ("%loop-index%" parsed as location)')

Please could you make it a bit organised? I really need this skript :/ I'm building a faction server and this will be good. If you do, I'll be apreciated :emoji_slight_smile:
then last try:

  1. loop exploded blocks:
  2. set {_boom::%location of loop-block%} to type of loop-block
  3. wait 10 seconds
  4. loop {_boom::*}:
  5. set block at ("%loop-index%" parsed as location) to loop-value
    loop exploded blocks:
        set {_boom::%location of loop-block%} to type of loop-block
    wait 10 seconds
    loop {_boom::*}:
        set block at location ("%loop-index%" parsed as location) to loop-value
then last try:

  1. loop exploded blocks:
  2. set {_boom::%location of loop-block%} to type of loop-block
  3. wait 10 seconds
  4. loop {_boom::*}:
  5. set block at ("%loop-index%" parsed as location) to loop-value
    loop exploded blocks:
        set {_boom::%location of loop-block%} to type of loop-block
    wait 10 seconds
    loop {_boom::*}:
        set block at location ("%loop-index%" parsed as location) to loop-value

Didn't work :/
on explode:
  loop exploded blocks:
    set {_e::%location of loop-value%} to true
    set {_e::%location of loop-value%::*} to location of loop-value and type of loop-value
  wait 10 second
  loop {_e::*}:
    set block at {_e::%loop-index%::1} to {_e::%loop-index%::2}
on explode:
  loop exploded blocks:
    set {_e::%location of loop-value%} to true
    set {_e::%location of loop-value%::*} to location of loop-value and type of loop-value
  wait 10 second
  loop {_e::*}:
    set block at {_e::%loop-index%::1} to {_e::%loop-index%::2}

It worked! Thank you so much! I'll mark solved.
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