Are is possible to apply a item to whole gui when open becouse i'm coding a free sign skript and i need that to replace whole 3 row chest with item from sign line 2.
ex: if i write second sign line: stone to whole gui of that sign when i rightclick be stone.
Gui get oppened but nothing is in him.
my code:
ex: if i write second sign line: stone to whole gui of that sign when i rightclick be stone.
Gui get oppened but nothing is in him.
my code:
on rightclick on sign:
if line 1 of event-block contains "Free":
set line 1 of event-block to "&3[&cFree&3]"
set {_item} to "%{freesign::item::%uncolored line 2 of event-block%}%"
wait 1 tick
open chest with 3 rows named "Free" to player
set {_slot} to 27
wait 2 tick
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to {_item}