Remove cobweb block

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2017
How do I remove cobweb block?
I have tried delete entity, and this:
on rightclick with wood sword:
    name of player's tool is "&eWeb Slinger &7(Right Click)":
        set {_Waited} to difference between {Webslinger::%player%} and now
        if {_Waited} is less than 7.5 seconds:
            message "&8[&6Cooldown&8] &7You must wait &e%difference between {_Waited} and 7.5 seconds% &7to use your ability"
            set {Webslinger::%player%} to now
            set {_loc} to location 4 meter above player's head
            push player upwards at speed 1
            wait 8 ticks
            play "SPIDER_IDLE" to player at volume 1
            spawn falling block of cobweb at {_loc}
            push last spawned entity in direction of player at speed 2
on block land:
    event-block is a cobweb:
        broadcast "TEST"
on rightclick with wood sword:
    name of player's tool is "&eWeb Slinger &7(Right Click)":
        set {_Waited} to difference between {Webslinger::%player%} and now
        if {_Waited} is less than 7.5 seconds:
            message "&8[&6Cooldown&8] &7You must wait &e%difference between {_Waited} and 7.5 seconds% &7to use your ability"
            set {Webslinger::%player%} to now
            set {_loc} to location 4 meter above player's head
            push player upwards at speed 1
            wait 8 ticks
            play "SPIDER_IDLE" to player at volume 1
            spawn falling block of cobweb at {_loc}
            push last spawned entity in direction of player at speed 2
on block land:
    last spawned entity is a cobweb:
        broadcast "TEST"
Nope, however, I noticed, if I dont add a delay to it removing the cobweb, it removes it in mid air. But if I add a delay, it doesnt remove the cobweb.
on rightclick with wood sword:
    name of player's tool is "&eWeb Slinger &7(Right Click)":
        set {_Waited} to difference between {Webslinger::%player%} and now
        if {_Waited} is less than 7.5 seconds:
            message "&8[&6Cooldown&8] &7You must wait &e%difference between {_Waited} and 7.5 seconds% &7to use your ability"
            set {Webslinger::%player%} to now
            set {_loc} to location 4 meter above player's head
            push player upwards at speed 1
            wait 8 ticks
            play "SPIDER_IDLE" to player at volume 1
            spawn falling block of cobweb at {_loc}
            push last spawned entity in direction of player at speed 2
            wait 3 seconds
            delete last spawned entity
[doublepost=1502134404,1502134329][/doublepost]I wonder, if setting where the cobweb landed then deleting/setting that block to air would work?
I told you how to delete the falling block in your older thread. Use while loop, check for block under the block, then delete it if there is a solid block under the falling block.
Remember the item projectile you had trouble with? Same concept over here to remove the entity when it "lands" on a block.
1. Start the while loop after shooting the block. (with a tick wait)
2. Check for a block 0.3 meters below thrown block. If this condition is met, delete thrown block and end the while loop.

I copied this from your older thread, but modified it.
Oh, but how do I make the entity air, it doesnt pick it up...

on rightclick with wood sword:
    name of player's tool is "&eWeb Slinger &7(Right Click)":
        set {_Waited} to difference between {Webslinger::%player%} and now
        if {_Waited} is less than 7.5 seconds:
            message "&8[&6Cooldown&8] &7You must wait &e%difference between {_Waited} and 7.5 seconds% &7to use your ability"
            set {Webslinger::%player%} to now
            set {_loc} to location 4 meter above player's head
            push player upwards at speed 1
            wait 8 ticks
            play "SPIDER_IDLE" to player at volume 1
            spawn falling block of cobweb at {_loc}
            push last spawned entity in direction of player at speed 2
            set {_LSE} to last spawned entity
            set {_t} to true
            while {_t} is true:
                if {_n} < 101:
                    if block 0.3 meters below falling block is not air:
                        set {_t} to false
                        set {_LSE} to air
                        add 1 to {n}
                        wait 1 tick
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